
Friday, June 9, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites

Hey, y'all!  Happy Friday!  Last week I skipped out on favorites in favor of Father's Day gift ideas, so let's look at some of my favorites this week...

O N E – Stop it Right Now

You may have seen this favorite in previous posts or on my Instagram, but it’s so cute it’s worth posting again.  Every single year I buy a red, white, and blue dress for Olivia for July 4th, and every single year I tell myself, well, it can’t possibly get any cuter than this one next year?!  And then every single year I always manage to find something that outdoes the one from the previous year.  Well friends, just as I was packing her sweet little one away from last year and getting ready to boohoo my eyes out, I just came across this one and Oh. Em. Gee.  Y’ALL!!  It has little Bomb Pops all over it!!!!  And look at the bow in the back… I CAN’T!!!!  If that isn’t the cutest 4th of July dress then I don’t know what is!

T W O – Another Amazing Knockoff

I mentioned this dress in my What's Up Wednesday post a couple of weeks ago and my What I Wore post on Tuesday, but I can’t help mentioning it again because… I’m in love.  This dress is so cute and so comfy and it is so similar to this Anthro dress that everybody and their grandma have this season, so it couldn’t not be a favorite.  I will try not to mention it again after this, but I can’t promise I won’t.  Haha.  It’s that gorgeous! 

T H R E E – Shopping in the Little Girl’s Section

Did you know that Old Navy’s little girl’s sizes XL and XXL are pretty much equivalent to women’s smalls and almost mediums??  Yep!  And they’re cheaper, too!  When I saw this dress in the little girl’s section at ON I knew I had to have it!  I ordered an XXL and it fits beautifully… it even comes all the way down to my knees.  As a matter of fact, I’m wishing that I had just gotten the XL because the XXL is actually a bit too baggy.  They had the same print on this dress in the women’s section, but I liked the style of the little girl’s dress better!

F O U R – A New Vacuum

You know you’re old when a new vacuum makes your Friday favorites!  Haha.  We have had a pretty basic vacuum cleaner since we got married almost ten years ago.  It always did a pretty good job, but had recently taken a turn for the worse, so it was time to get a new one.  B and I decided to spring for something really nice this time, and boy is it worth every single penny!  We bought the Dyson Ball Multi Floor 2 Upright Vacuum and it is pretty much the best thing ever.  I had just vacuumed our floor with our old vacuum a few days prior to receiving our new one and guys, look at all of the filth that this vacuum got up that our old vacuum left behind… and this is just from ONE room.  OMG. 

Not to mention it can turn on a dime, it’s super lightweight to push, and it has a flat head that can get under the furniture much easier than our old one could.  Y'all, if you're in the market for a new vacuum, or if you have been using some old outdated vacuum, do yourself a favor and get one of these!  You will be amazed (and disgusted) by what it gets out of your "clean" carpet.  I have a feeling that we are going to be Dyson loyals from here on out… 

F I V E – Save the Date

Well, I’ve posted this book on the blog before, and I’ve finally had the chance to read about a quarter of it and I’m loving it!  I’ve never ready anything by Mary Kay Andrews before, but I think she’s about to have a new fan in me! 

Happy Friday, you guys!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. So glad that you love Mary Kay Andrews - she is one of my favorites. I love Olivia's little dress - too dang cute!

  2. I have not read any Mary Kay Andrews either, now I want too!! Isn't that Dyson Ball amazing, so in love with our ball, lol!! You are the sweetest dress wearer and Olivia is following in mommy footsteps! Happy Weekend beautiful babe!!

    1. Oh girl, it's incredible! I'm over here wondering why the heck we took so long to buy something nicer! And thank you! Happy Monday, Andrea!

  3. I love Mary Kay Andrews and Save the Date is my favorite of her books - enjoy!

    1. I am almost done with it and I'm loving it so much! I'll definitely be buying more of hers!

  4. I was eyeing a bathing suit from ON that was from the girls section LOL!! I was torn on XL or XXL and then I waited too long and it sold out :( I need to check out that book! Happy Friday!

  5. Olivia's dress is precious!
    I am adding Mary Kay Andrews to my reading list!!
    Love those dresses!

  6. I am going to have to add Mary Kay Andrews to my want list. I love finding new authors to read. I have seen some of her books at Costco so I will have to pick one up. Have a great weekend!

  7. We got that same vacuum a few months ago when our old one died and it is seriously life changing. I love it SO MUCH. I am obsessed with vacuuming now. And I could not get over how much dirt it got up the first time I used it! Makes me disgusted to think about how dirty our carpets were before that and I had no idea!

  8. It's official - Olivia has cuter clothes than half the adults I know, myself included!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  9. I've heard of a lot of people shopping in the girl's section! I haven't tried it yet. I'm pretty skeptical about the length. I guess I'd just try it on!
    Also, I LOVE my Dyson. Best money we ever spent. It grosses me out every time I vacuum. But with three pugs, what do you expect!
    Happy Friday!

    1. Yes, you should try it! I'm 5'5" and the XL and XXLs seem to usually be long enough for me! And yes girl, I was SO grossed out when we vacuumed with it for the first time... it was just awful!

  10. I so need to start shopping in the little girls section! And how darling is that bomb pop dress for Olivia?! LOVE <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. I'm so obsessed with Olivia's dress!! And definitely going to check out the girl's section at Old Navy next time I'm there ;) Happy weekend!

  12. Good idea about the kids' section! I sometimes buy button downs in the boys' section at Target for myself, but I'll definitely look into ON's kid section for myself now, too! Enjoy your last day at the beach!

  13. Agreed, Olivia's dress is sooooo cute! Oh and thanks about letting us know what the Old Navy dress sizes. That's so good to know. Congrats on your new vacuum! We have one from our local grocery store and I've been considering getting a Dyson or a Roomba! I desperately need to read a book. It's been a few months since I've actually opened a book and just sat down to read. I'll have to check out the one you mentioned. I'm sure it's waaaay more entertaining than what I do at night, which usually consists of being half awake while mindlessly scrolling through Facebook... :/ Have a great weekend girl! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

  14. I always have thought that Old Navy kids clothes are on the bigger side of things. In fact I caught a woman shopping the clearance racks for herself one day. Because of length issues it would never work for me. Whomp, whomp.

  15. What a great idea to check out the Old Navy girls' section! I've done this with shoes before but not clothes. Do you have a pic of you in it? Sorry if I missed it! :) I'm going to have to check out that book too, sounds like a nice read!

  16. LOL we were just talking about how I was coveting a vacuum the other day with my bestie and I said, we are old. We are coveting vacuums ;). Seriously good to know on the Old Navy dresses. Would you say length wise, they are similar too??? I have friends that do that at Target as well...xoxo ERIN

  17. Shut up....I can't believe that XXL is workable for your height! Although now that I say that I have zero idea how tall you are lol. We love our dyson so much. I'm always so grossed out whe I use it on carpet!

  18. I LOVE Olivia's dress!! So so cute!

  19. I need a new vacuum!! That one looks amazing. We currently have the dyson animal and I am pretty sure it is on its last leg. We have had it for 9 years.


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