
Friday, June 23, 2017

Five on Friday – Favorites

My apologies for the silence over here on the blog yesterday… B and I were in Atlanta yesterday and I honestly just couldn’t muster the energy for my originally scheduled beach trip post by the time we got home. 

I haven’t done a faves post in several Fridays, so here we go!

O N E – A VERY Old But New-to-me Plant

I am a self-proclaimed “black thumb” and I’ve mentioned that no less than twenty times here on the blog.  I can’t keep plants/flowers/shrubs/trees/sometimes grass alive to save my life, so every single one of the plants in our house is fake.  Only in the last couple of years have I finally been able to keep our outdoor ferns alive for the five-ish months of summery weather, and even that has been no easy task.  (Not to mention by the end of summer they are turning brown and crunchy.)  I have constant envy over those of you who have all of your perfectly green and abundant gardens and I think it would be the coolest thing ever to grow my own veggies one day.  First, though, I have to master keeping the easy stuff alive.

I was discussing this with my grandmother one Sunday evening a few weeks ago and she started telling me about her plant that is in their front sitting room.  My grandmother and grandfather have lived in the same house since before my mother was born, so that is the only house that I have ever known them to have.  As long as I can remember, the table in their front sitting room has always been full of greenery.  I never really thought that much about it, but I have always assumed there were multiple plants throughout the years. 

Well, my grandmother gave me the history that evening, and I was completely blown away.  It turns out that all this time, there has only been one single plant on that table.  It is now over FIFTY years old, and it belonged to my great grandmother.  She was gifted the plant from my grandfather’s work after a hospital stay back in the 60’s and my grandmother has cared for it ever since.  It is now humongous and taking over the whole table, and she has given clippings to lots of people including my mom, my aunts, and I think even a couple of my cousins. 

She asked me if I wanted a clipping, and I wasn’t about to turn that down!  She brought it to me this past Sunday and I am so excited and honored to have such a neat living piece of history in our house, but I’m also really nervous that I’m going to kill it.  I told her how nervous I was about caring for it, but she replied with a cool, “Well, if you kill this one, I’ll just clip another one for you.”  Haha. 

She told me that all I have to do is water it once a week and make sure it gets a little bit of sunlight each day.  Sounds easy enough, right?  We’ll see.    

T W O – Painting and Hiding Rocks

Have you guys seen the new trend of painting rocks and then hiding them around your city for other people to find?  Once you find some you can either keep them or you can hide them again for someone else to find.  We have a city Facebook page devoted just to this and it’s made me so happy to see all of the posts of kids with the rocks they’ve painted or found.  We haven’t painted or found any yet, but I’m beyond excited to do this with our kiddos soon!  You could totally make someone’s day by doing this… you just never know!

T H R E E – Girls Night

I had a much needed girls’ night this past Tuesday to celebrate my BFF for her birthday.  Five of my girlfriends including Adrienne (you might read her blog… hi Adrienne!) all went to our favorite Mexican place in town for margaritas and tacos.  We stayed later than usual this time and it was so nice to just chat and eat and drink without getting interrupted every 30 seconds by, “Mommy, look at this!”  Haha.

On another note, the birthday girl (Shelly) and I met in 1993 when she moved into my neighborhood and we’ve been inseparable ever since.  Of course now that we’re married and have babies we don’t get to see each other near enough, but we try to see each other as much as we possibly can.  This birthday marks the 24th of Shelly’s birthday’s that we’ve celebrated together and that still blows my mind every time I think about it.  How awesome is that?  She is someone who I know will always be in my life.  

F O U R – Shutter Fixed on the Back Door

A few weeks ago one of my favorites was that we had a new shutter on our back glass door so my paranoid anxiety-filled self could feel 100% safe at night and NOT like somebody was always watching us. 

Well, the company we hired had to have our shutter custom-built so it took two months to get it, only to find that they had built it backward.  Instead of opening the same way the door opens, it opened the opposite way, completely blocking the door knob and the door opening.  #Stupid

Anyhoo, after several more weeks of waiting, the new shutter was finally installed yesterday so now it can be opened the way it was intended to be opened and we will NOT have to close it before opening the door each time for the approximately 1,900 times a day that Maui asks to go out.  #Winning

F I V E – ATL Trip

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, B and I went to ATL on Wednesday and the primary reason was for me to finally see a specialist about my back problems that I’ve had for the last six years.  The appointment went well, and I have started some new treatments, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed and praying every day that this will finally be the end of my problems.  I apologize for being vague, and I promise to eventually tell you about my journey from start to finish (and I’ll go ahead and warn you – you better SETTLE IN because it will be LONG… just ask the nurse I talked to yesterday!), but I want to see how this new experimental treatment goes before putting it out there for the whole world to see.  I’m trying not to get too excited about it, but I am cautiously optimistic. 

Anyhoo, the fact that my six years of research AND never giving up on finding a cure might – just might – pay off is definitely my VERY FAVORITE from this week. 

Not to mention we got to eat lunch at Tin Lizzy’s – our verrrry favorite ATL restaurant – aaaand we brought home two cases of wine from Trader Joe’s. 


Happy weekend, y’all!

And P.S. Moana is now on Netflix


*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. I love the plant story!!! For my grandpa's funeral we received a ton of plants and I took a few back to work with me to spruce up my cube. A few of them died but one has been thriving since - 5 years this August! That's a huge accomplishment for me. Be really awesome to have it turn into a story similar to yours! Also, fingers crossed for your treatment - really, really hope this one works for you!

  2. You can keep that plant alive! No worries. Your grandma gave you great instructions. :) Trolls is on Netflix right now too!! We watched it for the first time yesterday. I hope that everything comes together with your back treatment. Fingers crossed.

  3. Love your plant story. I still have a plant from my grandfather's funeral in 2000.
    Praying that your treatments work.
    Does Trader Joes have good prices on wine? Ben bought me a wine cooler that holds 36 bottles of wine. Now I want to fill it! HA

  4. I'm smiling because a paint color we have picked out is called "Tin Lizzie" and I told my Mr. it would be a good name for a restaurant!!! Too crazy!! Aww your sweet lil plant!! Wishing you a fun and great weekend beautiful lady!!

    1. Oh my goodness, that is so crazy! You are psychic! And if you're ever in the ATL area, do stop by... it's great! Happy weekend, Andrea!

  5. Whoa such crazy history behind that plant!! And yay for seeing a specialist and hopefully moving in the right direction! Have a great weekend!!

  6. The painted rocks are everywhere, EVERYWHERE! We have been doing it for a few months now. Although, we slowed down once it got really hot. If I am going to be outside, it better be poolside. Happy weekend!

  7. I'll be watching Moana and Trolls this weekend now that they are both on Netflix....never too old for that, right?! haha! I hope that treatment works for you and you get some relief!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. Moana is on Netflix??? I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

  9. The rock thing is HUGE around here. My kids love painting them and then hiding them. They are everywhere and so much fun. We have been watching Moana this week. I hope you have a great weekend with your family!

  10. Thanks for telling us about Moana! Adding it to our girls-weekend watch list over here! Hope the treatments work out for you (and that you keep your plant alive too!) I have already killed a cactus- how the heck do you kill a cactus- ugh! Have a great weekend!

  11. So I looked at the Moanoa thing and it said it was from 1926? Or something like that...or is that how the movie starts? We never went past that screen, perhaps we should. Fun that you have your bestie living close enough to do a girls night on a tuesday. My bestie JUST moved into my same area, so instead of being 2 hours drive we are about 10 minutes. She moves in next week, so stinkin' excited! Have a great weekend. I wonder if my city does that rock thing too...

  12. Girrrrrrl cheers to our black thumbs! I picked up some peonies at Trader Joe's yesterday, and I'm sooooo hoping they'll last a while because I'm terrible at keeping plants and flowers alive. TJ's for the win for flowers and wine <3
    Green Fashionista

  13. I hope our town starts the painted rocks thing! I looked it up and didn't see anything yet. Good luck with your back problems.

  14. That's such a sweet story about the plant! I have a black thumb, so I'd be the worst recipient ever haha

    And ohhhh TJ's wine. Sigh. We don't have a single one near to us! Lucky!

  15. I LOVE Tin Lizzy's. I haven't been since I went to Atlanta. I miss it. I hope to visit soon. I can't wait to read more about your journey. And yay for friendships and birthday celebrations! So much fun. Have a great weekend!

  16. I love that you got a piece of that plant! How special! Talk about pressure to keep it alive though, haha!

    1. I know, right?! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

  17. I have not heard of that trend! How fun for the kiddos!
    Glad your appointment went well and I pray that this treatment works for you girl!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  18. That plant story!! That is so special. We just planted some hostas in our landscaping for Kyle's grandparents lake house, and I know how special it was to him! I'm praying your back treatment works for you!! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Brandi! Have a great weekend, girl!

  19. Thanks for the shout out and the invite! I didn't know yall were neighborhood friends - so fun! And very cool about the plant. All of our things would die if it weren't for J.

  20. I had a girls night last night! So fun! And yay painted rocks!!

    1. Yay! I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends. It's so nice to get away with them every now and then to catch up!

  21. Yay for some possible answers :) Becky was just posted about the painted rocks here in IA! I had never heard of it but my kids would be ALL over this! xoxo ERIN

  22. A plant that was 50 years old?! There is a movie somewhere in that story friend! Also, I hope that this new treatments work. :) Also, I totally had a girls night too!

    1. Yes ma'am! Isn't that amazing?!

      And thank you so much! Fingers crossed it will!

  23. Oh, I love the story of your grandmother's plant. I didn't even know a houseplant could live that long. Amazing! :) So glad your appointment went well. Here's hoping and praying that the treatment keeps working!

  24. I have a black thumb too, so you are in good company here! I want to start the rock painting group here in my town! So much fun. Yay for a girl’s night. I hope you had a blast. I am glad that your appointment went well and I pray that the new treatment plan is a huge success! The chips & hotsauce and quac looks amazing. I could eat that for a meal alone.


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