
Monday, June 26, 2017

The Weekend - Date Night, Bar Cart, and Nana's Garden

This weekend was a good mix of family time, productivity, and fun… those are always my favorite kind!

Brian and I are members of our church’s Contemporary Couples’ Club and we finally had the chance to attend one of the events Friday evening.  Three of the couples hosted a summer social at one of the couples’ houses, and about 40-50 (maybe more?) people ended up coming.  Zoe’s Kitchen catered and everyone brought their own beer, and it was a fun evening of socializing and fellowship.  The rain had cleared for the evening, so there was Cornhole and Bocce Ball outside which the boys played nonstop while all of the girls chatted. 

I have been a member of our church my entire life and I also graduated from school there, so most of the people there were people I had gone to school with or they were people whose kids currently go to school with ours or faculty and staff.  There were also some new faces and it was nice getting to know others who have kids at school with Jacob.  I figure, our kids are going to be there for the next 15 years, so we might as well get to know as many people as we can!  It was a lot of fun, and I am looking forward to attending many more events in the future!  I was so absorbed I only snapped one picture all evening aside from the ones my Dad took of us when we dropped the kids off.  #BadBlogger

My parents kept the kiddos for us, so while we were partying, they were doing this:

They made breakfast for dinner which included pancakes shaped like letters, and then they took a walk to the lake and watched The Swan Princess.  We picked them up and got home a little after ten so bedtime was easy as they were both exhausted, and then B and I caught an episode of GG as well as part of an episode of House of Cards before calling it a night.

Saturday the rain was back in full force so we were stuck inside all day.  I used the opportunity to finish painting the bar cart, and we also did all the laundry while the kids watched Moana for the second time this week on Netflix.  When Moana was over, Jacob did another entry for his summer journal homework (it was like pulling teeth getting him to do it – UGH), and then he worked on his race car book that he and my Dad had gotten from the museum several weeks back while Olivia colored.  

We had another major storm just before leaving for church, and Olivia was beside herself.  She was all over me like a Stage Five Clinger and she could not stop crying.  Bless her heart, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so terrified of thunder.  Fortunately there was a break in the rain and we were able to get to church without driving in the monsoon that had come just before.

We joined my parents, my grandmother, and my aunt, uncle, and cousin at one of our favorite local pubs for dinner, and then we swung by DQ on the way home to pick up Blizzards to go.  It wasn’t raining when we got home, so we let the kiddos eat theirs on the back porch while listening to the Moana soundtrack, and then Olivia wanted to go pick some honeysuckle from the back fence.

B and I saved our Blizzards for after the kiddos were in bed, and then we enjoyed them while watching two more episodes of GG.  We are almost done with the last season and then we’ll move on to the new episodes!  I can’t wait!

Sunday morning the bar cart was dry and set, so I finally got to do the fun part – get it all decorated!  I’ll be doing a separate post about it soon, but until then, here’s a little sneak peek!  Hint, it’s decorated with most of the things I posted about here

We had lunch at my MIL’s and she and my Step-FIL made a spread of enchiladas, rice, refried beans, broccoli, and corn.  Mmmm mmmm!  My MIL and I worked on some plans for my Step-SIL’s upcoming baby shower, and then we took the kiddos outside after cleaning up.

We hadn’t been over there in two weeks and since we’ve practically had rain every day for the last couple of weeks their garden was HUGE!  Everything has gotten so tall and lots of the produce was ready for the picking – jalapenos, okra, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, radishes, green beans, blueberries…. Man, they aren’t going to have to buy fruits and veggies at the grocery store for a long time!  P.S. You can see video of the garden in my Insta-Stories if you’re interested!  I was also excited because my MIL sent me away with a pot chock-full of mint… the start of my very own herb garden!  Eek!  Mint Julep, anyone?

Sunday evening, we had our usual dinner with my family… Momma made a roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and peas, and we opened one of the 24 bottles of TJ’s wine that B and I brought back from ATL this past week.  It was dee-lish!  

We talked a lot about family lineage Sunday night and I learned a ton about my Daddy's side of the family... crazy things I never knew!  And my grandmother (my Momma's mom) who was also at dinner, also told us a bunch of things about her family lineage.  I found out that my great great great great grandfather was one of Abraham Lincoln's bodyguards!!  I have no clue why I have never been told that before... that's so cool!!  And I was also reminded that I am eligible become a Daughter of the American Revolution if I want to... things to think about!

When we got home, we delayed bedtime for just a few extra minutes to let the kids watch the most beautiful sunset... just look at that sky!  It doesn't even look real!

Another fun one in the books, guys!  Another fun one in the books!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Definitely a great weekend!!! I can't wait to see your bar cart reveal. Olivia's Saturday dress is adorable - can I get that in my size?! Haha! Your in laws garden is seriously huge. I knew it was great, but that far away picture really shows it - wow!!

  2. Olivia's pink dress is the cutest!! So glad you had a fun weekend girl - something exciting every day of the weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. What a great weekend. Your Friday night sounded so fun!! Can't wait to see the bar cart!!
    Your in laws garden is huge. I can't wait to add to mine next year.

  4. You and Rory Gilmore - both daughter's of the American Revolution!

  5. Looks like you guys had an amazing weekend. Fun for just mom and dad and then as a family. The sneak peeks at the bar cart are so fun!

  6. That sunset is, WOW! So jealous of that garden. I really miss mine this year :(. Makes me wish I had planted something, sigh. Looks like a great weekend. I totally would have been playing bocce with the guys, I LOVE that game. Russ and I once spent a whole summer drinking $1 PBR draws and playing bocce ball at a local bars patio.

  7. Sounds like such a good weekend, but poor baby being afraid of thunder :(

    - Claudia

  8. That church event sounds so fun!! I need to check out that coloring book your Dad got Jacob, I think Brayden would really like it! Eeeeek love the sneak peak of the cart!!!

  9. What an awesome church event! Glad it cleared up Sunday and you guys got to be outside some-and I am just dying to see the finished bar cart!! :-)

  10. Aww poor Olivia! Thunder is terrifying. That garden looks amazing.

    1. Yep, she was so sad. I hope she outgrows her fear soon.

  11. What a fun weekend. Poor Olivia and the thunder. I love that garden. Have a happy Monday!

  12. The garden looks amazing, and yay for the bar cart! That striped vase is getting all the heart eyes <3
    Green Fashionista

  13. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!! That’s a huge gathering. I thought our ‘small groups’ were big at 25ish people. We had a ton of rain on Saturday, too. I don’t mind the rain when I can stay at home all day, but I had things to do!! Can’t wait to see the full reveal of your bar cart!

  14. Sounds like a great weekend. I can't wait to see the bar cart. Yay for a date night.

  15. Oh, sounds like a great weekend. Love the picture of your parents with your kids. Too cute! Can't wait to see your bar cart! :)

  16. Glad you guys had a wonderful weekend! The sneak of your bar cart looks amazing!! Can't wait to see the full reveal.
    We've had a few storms lately too, which were much needed though.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  17. Those are my favorite kind of weekends, too!! I love love love Olivia's pink dress! And that sky - such a good shot!! Have a great week, Lindsay!

    1. Thanks! The picture doesn't even do it justice! Have a great evening, Brandi!

  18. Looks like a great weekend. Can't wait to see the bar cart. You guys have had a lot of rain with Cindy and such it sounds like! We are all excited about the fun new things on Netflix here too! xoxo ERIN

  19. Totally get involved with your DAR chapter- could come in handy for the kids when it is scholarship time for college! Bar cart looks great so far!

  20. The last of the regular seasons of GG is my FAVORITE!!!

  21. I am anxious to see the bar cart! I'm a total art geek myself, and love doing projects like that! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Kimberly! I'll hopefully have it up sometime next week!

  22. Wow that garden is amazing!! I love growing mint, I use it all the time! Super easy to take care of too!

  23. What a fun weekend! Your date night sounds like a lot of fun and I love that your parents were taking selfies with the kids! Ahh that garden is seriously goals. That sunset pic is so pretty too. Beautifully Candid

  24. Ah those skies. So beautiful. Can't wait for more bar cart details. Looks like such a great weekend.

  25. Oh my goodness where to start....I guess that amazing sunset!! And that garden is incredible...I would be in heaven. Those freaking enchiladas look damn good. Poor little fun being afraid. We were on the water once in the boat and the boys were out wade fishing when we could see a storm coming with lightning and such. I knew Keith was watching and knew whether it was coming our way or not but Carly Jo was freaked. I finally just had to pray with her.


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