
Friday, July 14, 2017

Five on Friday - Favorites

*This post may contain affiliate links.

I am so happy to see Friday!  This has been a doozy of a week.  Our schedule is all turned upside down since the kids are taking swim lessons this week, so I’m ready for a two-day reprieve from the chaos.  I’ve been skipping my lunch breaks and leaving early every day to get them there which means that grocery shopping, other errands, and allergy shots have been getting done after swim lessons which has resulted in us getting home later some days.  And then, when does that leave time to cook? 

We also had bad storms a couple of days, so lessons were rained out one day which means they will have to be made up, and we also lost power for an entire evening on Tuesday which meant that I got way behind on life stuff, workouts, and TV. 

Whew.  It’s definitely been a strange one, and next week will be more of the same as the swim lessons continue all next week.  Not to mention I have another appointment in Atlanta, so that will only add to the chaos.   

Anyway, it’s been a while since I did a favorites post, so I have lots of things to cover today.  Here we go!

O N E – Swimming Lessons

While we’re already on the subject, the kids are taking swimming lessons this week and next week.  Jacob took them last year for the first time, so he has pretty much picked back up where he left off last year and he is doing fantastic.  He’s doing everything he’s asked to and he keeps wanting to go back for more!

Little miss, on the other hand… not so much.

The first day we arrived, she was so excited.  She let them dunk her like a pro and then she sat up on the side with all of the other little kids excitedly.  When the instructor asked who wanted to go first she shouted, “MEEEE!”  Haha.  I was thinking, “Wow, she is going to do fantastic.” 

But nope, once the instructor told her that she had to swim with her face in the water the whole time she flipped out.  It’s all fun and games until you inhale water, I guess.

And we’re not just talking sad crying… we’re talking screaming bloody murder, kicking, and clawing.  Eek. 

By yesterday she had calmed down a bit, only crying right before or after her turns to swim, but she’s gotten to where she’s mostly okay in between. 

The funniest thing of all is that the second the lesson is over for the day, she becomes totally fine like nothing ever happened.  And when we get home each evening she loves to talk about it and watch the videos of herself screaming and swimming.  Haha.  Hopefully she’ll get the hang of it soon.  It took Jacob several days last year to stop crying, so I’m sure she’ll be fine soon.

And while it’s not my favorite to watch my baby scream her head off, it is a favorite that both of our babies are getting water smart.  

T W O – Ding Dong the Paci’s Gone

You guys.

The paci has left the building.

After almost six years of having babies taking pacis at night, all of the pacis are officially out of our house.  Well, not technically.  Technically, Jacob’s and Olivia’s favorite pacis are both still up in my office tucked away in keepsake boxes, but we no longer have any babies taking them at night while they sleep.

We took Jacob’s away when he was two years and nine or so months old.  At that point he was only getting it during naptime (at home, not at daycare) and bedtime.  We let him keep it until shortly after Olivia was born and then he left it for the Easter Bunny on Easter Eve that year.  We told him that the Easter Bunny would clean it and then take it to a little baby who needed one.  The Easter Bunny then brought a special gift for him and wrote a thank you note to him for being so generous.

The first night without it went swimmingly for Jacob (probably from the anticipation of the Easter Bunny coming), and then all hell broke loose.  He didn’t recover for months, y’all, and his entire behavior seemed to change after we took it. It was just awful.

So yes, we waited even longer for Olivia because we were so flipping terrified of the thought of going through that again.  Yes, she is three years and four-ish months old, and yes, we know we let her have it way too long, but honestly, aside from being terrified of going through what we went through with Jacob, I just didn’t care as much with her.  I guess you really do stop being so strict with the second child.  Plus, I selfishly loved seeing her with it and hearing that sweet little sucking noise while I rocked her each night, and I knew that getting rid of it only meant that she is truly no longer a baby.  It kills me to even say that.

We decided that since we already missed Easter, that the Paci Fairy would just come to get hers because we didn’t want to wait six more months for Santa Clause.  Haha.  She left it out last Thursday evening (7/6) and the Paci Fairy brought a plush Moana doll for her to sleep with to replace it. 

I am happy to report, that after only three nights without hers, Olivia stopped crying for it.  Don’t get me wrong, she’s not acting totally normal yet without it… she’s been whining a bit and it has been taking her way longer to fall asleep, but the fact that she’s not screaming her head off any more already makes me so happy. 

The first couple of nights were just awful.  She screamed and cried and we ended up having to sit in her room until she fell asleep, but last Sunday evening, she finally didn’t cry and she fell asleep on her own.  Monday and Tuesday we had storms so B and I had to sit in her room until she fell asleep anyway, so we have no clue how those nights would have gone, but Wednesday night she did fine again.  I am having to pop in her doorway and let her see me every five minutes (literally) to let her know that I’m there and “checking on her,” but it’s so much better than her disrupting the entire household by screaming or having to sit in there with her for an hour until she falls asleep.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things continue to improve.  At this rate, she should be back to normal in just a couple of weeks.

Now if only these dang thunderstorms would quit popping up at bedtime. 

We’d be golden then.

T H R E E – Sunsets

It seems that we have had more beautiful sunsets than ever this summer, and the sunsets are more beautiful than they’ve ever been.  I think it may be from all of the storms that we’ve been having.  We are typically in a drought all summer, but this entire year has been extremely stormy, which has resulted in some really cool clouds in the sky after everything starts to clear.  Just look at what we’ve been seeing around here lately.  And none of these pictures are edited to change the vibrance and color… this is what they really looked like.  Aren’t they just gorgeous?

F O U R – NSale

The Nordstrom sale started yesterday and I am so excited to see all of the things that the big fashion bloggers are choosing.  While I don’t have early access to the sale, I did post Wednesday about some of my favorites that I have had my eye on for a while. 

I think I’ve convinced myself to get this belt… I actually have one similar in black and it’s one of the most asked about items that I get from readers.  I bought it years ago so it’s no longer available, but this one is very similar and it comes in several different colors.  So for those of you who have been searching for the cutest bow belt ever, I found one for you!

I also mentioned this top and I truly think it’s one of the cutest tops I’ve ever seen in my whole life.  GALS, IT’S NOW 40% OFF!!!!  I want one so bad, but I have no clue which color I would even choose.  All three are just perfect.  Game Day, anyone?

Unfortunately none of the other items I listed yesterday are on sale, but I did come across several items that I would love to have…

This Lush perfect tunic that everyone has been raving about is back this season again and it's currently on sale for $27.90!  All of the fashion bloggers have been raving about these jeans and they are only $24.97!  That is crazy!  I adore the bell sleeves on this top and if this isn't the perfect off the shoulder top to carry that trend into fall then I don't know what is!  I would love to have a long cardigan and this one and this one both fit the bill.  Finally, everyone has been raving about this ruffled t-shirt dress and it I can totally see why... it looks so soft and comfy!  And oops, I lied.  One more thing.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention this scarf.  Y'all know I love a good scarf!  

I do also have a quick question - are these Zella leggings worth the money?  I have seen and heard so much hype around these and I just don't understand why anybody would want to pay that much for leggings, but my curiosity is getting the best of me.  I want to try a pair so bad, especially now that I'm working out so much at the gym, but goodness, I just don't like paying that much  money for workout clothes... my jeans don't even cost that much!  Haha.

F I V E – Amazon Prime Day

Y’all, I was so flipping busy on Tuesday that I didn’t even have time to look at anything on Amazon during Prime Day.  What the heck?!  I had planned on doing some shopping Tuesday evening, but that happened to be the evening that our power went out for 3.5 hours.  Our whole evening went way off track and I ended up spending all of my time hunting down flash lights, cleaning up the front and back yards from stuff blowing around, and stumbling around in the dark trying to get everything ready for the next day so I ended up not having time to do anything else. 

Brian was able to score this marble racing set, this Star Wars Lego set, and Star Wars Mad Libs for Jacob for his birthday, but I was sad that I didn’t have a chance to check on a few things that I have been wanting.  I have several books on my wish list – The Rumor, The Island, and The Year of Yes – and I also wanted to check on the Bona Mop but alas, I never had a chance. 

Oh well.  Brian and our wallets thank me.

Did you guys score anything great this week from Amazon or Nordstrom? 

Happy weekend!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Hopefully this weekend bring you lots of rest and relaxation after your crazy week - and no more storms!

  2. Yay for no more paci! if only we could get rid of it here..I"m afraid jack will go to kindergarten with a paci. ugh! Those sunsets were gorgeous, what an amazing sight from God! I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Whoohoo bye bye Paci..waht sweet pics of baby girl...she's a big girl now mama. Ahhh sunsets have my heart and so do you, Happy weekend gorgeous!!

    1. Yes, thank goodness the paci is gone! I guess that IS a favorite, but it's also NOT a favorite because she's currently whining herself to sleep as I type this. Haha.

  4. Annabelle had her paci till she was three. We told her "the doctor said once you turn three, you can no longer have your paci". Thankfully when she turned three she gave it up no problem. Autumn never really took to one, so we didn't have a huge problem. Those sunsets are so pretty!!

    1. That's great that it actually worked! We tried the whole doctor thing with Jacob but he didn't care. Haha.

  5. The storms are so scary - so happy you guys are all safe and those sunsets are pretty beautiful as well! Go Olivia for not needing her paci anymore! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Yay for no more paci!! That's a big step. So sorry about Olivia at swim lessons. Silly girl! I hope you have a relaxing weekend after a crazy week.

  7. Ugh, sounds like such a crazy week! Glad it has a happy ending, though, and that Olivia is warming up to swimming and not using a paci. I understand those heart-wrenching "my baby isn't a baby anymore!" moments. I've started a keepsake box too, but it makes me so sad to put things in it! Eek! :D Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Awww big things happening for Miss Olivia!! Ella is in swimming right now too and last night they asked her to do a somersault under the water and she FREAKED and screamed " I CAN'T, I'M TOO NERVOUS!" LOL Yayyy for the paci I know you are so happy about that one! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh how the storms make for pretty sunsets! So happy the paci woahs are behind you, totally worth the few days of insanity and soon all will be forgotten... mostly ;). We just finished 2 weeks of swim lessons so I totally get what it does with your schedule, crazy train anyone.

  10. I can't wait to see what you think of The Island!!! I may reread it because I loved it that much! Happy Friday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  11. You definitely caught some beautiful sunsets this week! Congrats on loosing the paci. Hang in there w the swim lessons, mama!

    1. Thanks, Sara! She did fantastic during swim lessons today so I think she's finally past the worst part of it!

  12. I'm trying to hold off looking to much at the NSale because I don't want to get sad when things I want sell out ;-) Yay for Olivia transitioning fairly well to no paci-Jackson never took one so we didn't have to take it away, but Lincoln LOVES his and I dread the day we take it. Those sunsets are just amazing-I hate storms but they sure can do pretty things to the sky!

  13. Hooray for no paci! We bought the Echo on Prime Day. It is supposed to deliver today. We are excited.

    1. Eek! I know you are! Let me know how you like it! My hubs almost bought one, too, but he ended up not getting it.

  14. Love the sunsets! Congrats on going paci free. Hope it continues to go well and same for the swim lessons!

  15. Those sunsets are beautiful. Yay for no more paci. We are trying to work on that too. It is hard. Ugh. I was able to get an Echo, but I wanted more. I wanted a roomba, but Rory said nah. Ugh. Hope you have a good weekend!

  16. That marble racing set is awesome! Andy really wants one of those, ha. His hospital has a HUGE lifesize one when you first enter the hospital lobby and it's really awesome (like Mousetrap thing). I added this to the Amazon list, thanks! Also, those sunsets are AHH-MAZING. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  17. YAY for no more paci! But Boo for these crazy storms. I am OVER them!

    I didn't get anything on Prime day! But I do have a few items picked out for the NSale!

  18. Yay for no paci. How absolutely stunning are those sunsets!

  19. Yay for no paci!!! That's one of the scariest transitions ever, lol! Lilli starts swim lessons next week and I'm super terrified. I hope yours starts going more smoothly! Happy Friday!

    1. Yes, girl. The paci transition is NO JOKE. And good luck to you guys next week! I hope she does well!

  20. I didn't even think to shop Prime Day for books but really... I have too many to begin with!

  21. Happy Friday! Yay Olivia has some big things going on! Swimming lessons and the paci being gone. Those sunset pics are so pretty. I love amazing sunsets! Have a great weekend. Beautifully Candid

  22. Yay for swimming and no more pacifiers! We bought a mattress on Prime Day for our guest room- hoping to get myself together and set up another room in the house we've lived in for over 3 years- yikes! Have a fabulous weekend!

  23. Love the beautiful sunsets!! And YAY for no more Paci...
    I have the zella leggings and I'd say get them. I don't wear them to workout. I actually wear them everywhere in late fall and winter with my tunics and riding boots!! So worth it and will stay great after many washes. And I had that one shoulder tunic in my cart long ago, when it wasn't on sale. I may have to give it another look! Have a great weekend!

  24. I hope things get better with the pacifier situation. My nephew loves his pacifier, so I have a feeling it's not going to go very well for him either when he has to give it up. Happy Friday.

    1. Yes, transitioning away from the paci is always awful. Olivia is currently whining herself to sleep while I'm typing this so apparently we are not quite done with the drama yet. Haha. Have a great weekend!

  25. Holy cow those sunsets are beautiful! I feel like we've been having prettier nights around here too. Around 7 every night I glance out the window and it's the most beautiful light! Usually I leave my chores behind and head for the patio to enjoy it! Have a great weekend!

  26. What a week! I hope the swim lessons continue to become easier and easier! Those sunsets - goodness - such beauty! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! Yes, it was definitely a big week in our household. Lots of change going on for the babies!

  27. Those sunsets are so stunning! I hope it going well without the paci. That can be so difficult!


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