
Monday, July 31, 2017

Just Another Low-Key Weekend

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Hello, hello and happy Monday!  I’m going to be spending the day getting caught up on work stuff since I was out on Friday, so today should be fun.  #SarcasmFont

We ended up having a pretty nice weekend despite the circumstances.

Friday, B and I headed to ATL first thing in the morning so I could go for my third round of treatments for my back.  This time I’m happy to report that they finally treated the correct spot, unlike the last two times.  It was extremely painful, but it’ll all be worth it if it works!  Now we just need to pray that it does!  While we were there, B Googled “best lunch places in Atlanta” and it took us straight to The Flying Biscuit.  Oh man, it was great!  I had a Fried Green Tomato BLT with Goat Cheese and Jalapeno Spread and a side of Grilled Mac N Cheese.  B opted for brunch and he had eggs, bacon, sausage, French toast, a biscuit, and the best grits either of us had ever tasted in our entire lives.  And I like to think of myself as a grits connoisseur.  ;o)  It was so good.  

Also... I am loving this shirt that I got in the NSale... it is so comfy!

Since I was in a fair amount of pain, we decided not to try to go anywhere else while we were there, and instead settled in for the drive home.  Just as we were getting off on our exit to go home and rest for an hour before picking up the kids, Olivia’s school called and said that she was running a fever so we needed to come get her.  She has had a runny nose and a little cough all week so it was really weird that she came down with the fever after the fact.  It was very low-grade, though – 100.6.

So anyway, we turned around and headed straight to get her and we picked Jacob up while we were at it.  He was at his very last day of camp and they had a bouncy house and a huge blow-up water slide, so he was exhausted from being out in the water all day.

Since we had a Mommy in pain, an exhausted Jacob, a sick Olivia, and a Daddy who was playing in a tennis tournament that evening, we headed straight home, put on our PJs, made a frozen pizza, and turned on Brave.  Olivia has been asking to see it, so she was excited about our evening of laziness.  After Brave was over, I only moved from the couch long enough to make some popcorn for us, and then we turned on Finding Dory to make it a double feature.  We played with Snapchat, I read my book for a while, and then it was time to take the kiddos up for bed.

Once they were in bed, B and I watched two more episodes of Bloodline and then we called it a night as well.

Saturday morning Olivia’s fever was pretty much gone, which was a good thing, because we had to get up early to get her registered for “nastics.”  She and I ate a quick breakfast and left the boys behind to arrive at the place at 8:50 AM, ten minutes before registration was supposed to start.  Well, everyone else must have arrived at 8:30 and they had opened the doors early because there were about 25 people ahead of us in line.  Sigh.

Fortunately the line moved quickly and we were outta there in about 20 minutes, and we were able to get our second choice for classes.  Our girl will officially be a little gymnast one week from tomorrow!  Eek!

Since we were done so early I decided to run a couple of errands while we were out, even though it was raining and I was still in a good bit of pain from my treatments the previous day.  We stopped at Old Navy first to find some uniform shorts for J (with no luck) and while we were there I tried on this top.  You guys, it is the epitome of a perfect top for this fall… the colors, the sleeves, the cut.  So gorgeous!  It's currently 40% off if you use the code HOT.  And while I was looking up the link for the shirt, I also came across this cold shoulder ruffled blouse.  It's also 40% off and Momma wants!

After Old Navy we stopped at Marshall’s for uniform shorts and Bath & Body works for three-wick candles, but we left both places empty-handed.  Womp womp.

Since Olivia had been running a fever Friday evening, we decided early in the day Saturday to skip church just in case she was contagious.  Since I knew we would be home for the remainder of the day, I decided to tackle the huge and long overdue task of sorting and cleaning out the kids’ toys.  It literally took the rest of the day, you guys.  I finally stopped at 5:30 and fell into my dining room chair with a glass of wine in hand.  Whew.  It was a huge job, but the playroom, living room, and both kids’ rooms are spotless.  Meanwhile, B watched our nephew’s little league game online (he’s in the regional tournament) and the kids played very nicely together all afternoon.

We had Cracker Barrel veggies and biscuits for dinner, and then B decided to make a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookies ever.  Olivia assisted him while Jacob put together one of the new puzzles he had received for his birthday, and then after each of the kids ate their cookie treats, they were down for bed and asleep by 8:30.  B and I used the opportunity to watch two more episodes of Bloodline (we’re now on season 3) and we had a couple of the cookies for dessert.  I just love our Friday and Saturday nights of snuggling, TV watching, and dessert eating together!

Saturday night right before bed B saw this meme on Facebook and said that it is so me.  He knows me so well.  It gave me a good laugh because it’s so true.  Come on, fall!!!!  And P.S. this thing cracks me up every time I look at it!

Sunday morning the kids watched Zootopia while I got caught up on life stuff and B mowed the lawn.  Then it was time to get out for a bit!   

First up was Chipotle!  We love ourselves some Chipotle!  After that we took the kids to Toys R Us. Jacob had a gift card to spend from his birthday and Olivia had a gift card that she had won at a baby shower, so it was time to turn them loose and let them spend them.

While we were there, I came across four items that are absolutely perfect for Olivia for Christmas.  They will be ordered this week for sure!  And yes, I’m serious.  It’s never too early to start shopping for Christmas.  You’ll thank yourself later.

This princess doll house is for all of the Disney princess dolls that are the size of Barbies.  Olivia has the entire set of dolls, so this would be the perfect place for her to play with them! 

This Moana doll is ah-mazing and so perfect for Olivia right now.  She is obsessed with the Moana soundrack, and this doll sings the songs and says some of the phrases.

This Poppy doll from Trolls comes with a comb and a bunch of barrettes so you can style her hair.  Olivia is constantly asking to play with my hair, so if she can torture Poppy instead, that would be great!  Win-win!  Hehe.

Finally, they have a Princess Poppy dress-up dress!!  I hadn’t seen this before, and Olivia looooves to play dress-up, so she’ll be getting this for Christmas for sure!

After Toys R Us, we stopped by the playground to let the kids run off some energy, but we ended up searching for painted rocks the majority of the time that we were there.  We never found any, though.  :o(

On the way home, we stopped by Target to pick up a leotard for Olivia’s gymnastics class, and I also picked up a new lamp for our kitchen and some of this Maybelline 24 Hour Lipstick.  I’ll let you know what I think after I try it out!

The afternoon was for napping and resting, and then we headed over to my parents for Sunday dinner.  My grandmother wasn’t there this week because she is vacationing in Boston with my aunt, so it was a bummer not having here there for the second week in a row.  Last weekend, you may remember that she had to go to the ER for some issues, but I’m happy to report that she is back to 100%, hence the reason she was able to go on her trip.  Olivia was so excited about her new Moana necklace, that she decided to go all out and wear her Moana costume as well.  And of course, she had to be barefoot as well because, "Moana doesn't wear shooooes!"

This weekend had the tendency to be a bummer of a weekend given my pain from my procedure and Olivia’s fever, but it actually turned out to be just the perfect kind of weekend that we needed.

I hope your Monday is productive and quick!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Oh my goodness - Hadley would DIE for that Moana outfit! So cute. I sighed when I read about having to go pick up Olivia immediately because of her fever. That is so typical #momlife right there. Moms don't get time off it seems. Ha. Glad you made the most of your weekend after your procedure. <3

  2. What a great weekend! We had the prefect amount of rest and productivity, as well! Glad you and Olivia are both feeling better!!

  3. Glad they treated the right spot this time and you are feeling better!! Those cookies look delicious!! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  4. Hope this is the treatment that works!!! Olivia is going to be such an adorable little gymnast!!!! How fun!!! Hope your day is busy enough to make the time fly, but not too hectic!

  5. Your weekend sure did end up being awesome!! So cute Olivia and B making cookies together! You guys can't sign up for classes online by you? That would be so nice! OMG that pic from FB had me LOL!!!

  6. sounds like a great weekend despite being in pain. I hope the treatments work and your back starts feeling better. I love some cookies and couch time so that sounds like a great saturday night to me! Have a great Monday!

  7. If that's low key, I don't know if I want to see what busy is like for you, haha! I love me some Old Navy and Marshalls! Those cookies look divine! YAY for clean rooms- always on my weekend to do list. Happy Monday!

    1. Haha. Yes, we usually keep pretty busy on the weekends. It was nice to have the entire day Saturday to get some things done around the house. Usually we are gone half of the day!

  8. Oh good Lord that last photo, I can't even stand the cuteness friend. I have been saving money right and left for Christmas, but I have started shopping yet. Although if I did find a great deal I would totally snag it. Glad to hear the back treatment went a little better this time. Praying it really helps you.

  9. I love that picture of Olivia smiling so proudly of her Moana necklace! So so precious and you can tell how happy she is to have it! So glad your treatment was in the right place and I'm hoping it works! I hate you're in pain from it!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  10. Yay for a great weekend! Here's hoping your treatments work - fingers crossed girl! Oh my gosh and that meme! I saw that last week and it had me laughing pretty hard. I'm fairly certain you came to mind when I saw it! Soooo funny! I'm loving Olivia's Moana necklace. It's in my Amazon cart as we speak!

  11. Love your attitude about the weekend! Even though things are looking to be a bummer, they can totally turn out just fine. :) I also love your sense of style!! All your stripes and pinks--right up my alley. :)

  12. Oh sweet Olivia and that necklace!!! I hope you are feeling better, you sure look cute as can be. Hope this week is off to a good start for you!

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! I am feeling a little better today!

  13. Sounds like a lovely weekend and the cutest little Moana I ever did see! Also your toy room and cleaning out made my organizing heart pitter patter ;) xoxo ERIN

  14. I really hope this treatment works. I heard about the 24 hour lip color from Jess (The Newly) and I am trying it this week too. Did you hear about it from her? Love all the gift ideas. I need to put those down for the girls. I need to start shopping now given that I have birthdays and Christmas all together for the girls. have a great week Lindsay!

  15. So praying you find some relief Lindsay! Loving your little Moana!

  16. I am praying the treatment works! I am so sorry it was painful, though. The Flying Biscuit sounds amazing. I love grits, but have been told I eat them weird. Growing up my Grandma always served them with butter and sugar, so that’s how I eat them. So glad you were able to sign that sweet girl up for ‘nastics!! I love that first top you shared. So perfect for the fall, like you said. Your weekend was the perfect mix of relaxing and productive!

  17. Praying that your treatment works and you will be on the mend soon. I can imagine how painful that must have been. Glad to hear Olivia and your Grandma are doing better too. Beautifully Candid

  18. What a great weekend! I love weekends where I feel productive, but restful as well. We are bonkers the next few weekends and weeks until school starts and then FALL! Oh sweet fall! I hope you have a great start to your week. I am so glad that Olivia is feeling better and I hope that you are feeling better as well...great outfits by the way!

  19. Ohhhh look how cute Olivia is in that Moana outfit!! All the heart eyes! I'm glad she's feeling better. So many of my friends have had kiddos with random fevers throughout July. Wonder what the deal is?? Have a great week!!

    1. I know, isn't that strange? It seemed to have just come from nowhere. Now we're keeping our fingers crossed that nobody else gets it!

  20. Oh my goshhhhhh...I love her in her costume. She looks so cute! And with the doll. Gah, so sweet. Hope you get some rest this week and feel better Hun. Thinking of you! Glad you guys had such a fun weekend given the circumstances.

  21. Glad you got some much needed rest! I hope the treatments work soon! Our weekends are pretty much for movies and tv, too! Everyone deserves it after a long week at work or school!

  22. I hope you are feeling better and that everyone is on the mend now. Your weekend looks pretty awesome, even if you did have to take it easy.

  23. Hope everyone is feeling better!! I am also feeling under the weather! Sometimes you just need rest!

  24. I really hope your back issues will get better, now that they finally found the spot. Glad that you got to rest, although the toy clean out is NOT resting my friend :) I need to do the toy clean out too. Mr. cleaned out some of the toys from the garage and just took a bag to Good Will without looking back. The kids haven't asked for those toys in over a month so they disappeared, hehe. And I can't believe B made cookies that is awesome!

  25. Low key weekends are my favorite. Sounds like Friday was eventful, but blah. Sorry everyone was ugh. But you guys bounced back and had a good weekend overall. It's never too early to start making a Christmas list. I've done the same thing. :)


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