
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What's Up Wednesday - July 2017

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Here we are again, another month has come and gone.

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Homemade Meatball Subs
Tue – Chicken and Pineapple Stir Fry with Rice and Broccolli
Wed – Garlic Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, Fresh Green Beans, Black Eyed Peas
Thu – Tennis for B so sandwiches for the kids and hopefully Bojangles for me ;o)
Fri – Out
Sat – Out
Sun – Momma and Daddy’s for Sunday dinner!

What I’m Reminiscing About

Honestly, I’m not doing a whole lot of reminiscing right now.  I’m mostly just concentrating on the present and the future right now.  I had a good doctor’s appointment in Atlanta yesterday (you may remember I’m seeing a specialist for my back problems) and I’m going to be continuing treatment on Friday, but this time I’m hoping that this new area they will be treating is going to be the one to finally make me better because the last treatments did not work.  Fingers crossed and toes crossed and a little more on that below.

What I’m Loving

The Nordstrom sale is finally open to the public and I did pick up a few things for myself!  Starting this week I’ll be wearing this striped top and this cutout choker tee since they are perfect for hot summer days, and then once the weather finally cools down, I am SO excited to add this ruffle sleeve top, this cold shoulder top, and this cross front blouse to the mix.  All are under $35 and all are still available!  I was dying for this top in white with black polka dots, but I have a feeling I’m never going to get my hands on one… I also want one of these tunics!  They are perfect to wear with leggings!

Which also reminds me… if you are a fellow leggings wearer and you don’t like for your butt to show, check out these tanks!!  They are loooong, way longer than they show in the picture, and they are perfect for layering underneath tunics that might be slightly too short to cover your butt.  I’m 5’5” and these are so long they cover my entire butt and then some.  They are also very fitted so you don’t have to worry about them riding up!  They are only $12 right now, so load up while you can!

What We’ve Been Up To

Highlights from this month were celebrating Fourth of July (and grilling for the first time!  What?!), the kids taking swimming lessons, and celebrating Jacob's sixth birthday!  I wrote a letter to him and you can read it here.  And finally, I finished decorating my bar cart.  I'm loving how it turned out!

What I’m Dreading

Oh probably just the same as last month, and it’s not so much something I’m dreading, but something I’m constantly worrying about.  I have mentioned several times that I have had chronic lower back pain for the last six years and I am finally seeking additional treatment… and it’s something that I have been wanting to try for years.  The first two treatments did not work, but I’m pretty sure it’s because they are treating the wrong area of my back.  At my appointment yesterday I was finally able to make the doctor understand exactly what’s going on (I think) and he and the other doctor at the facility have agreed to try to treat another area to see if it helps.  This is pretty much my last resort at this point as I’ve tried nearly everything else, so if these upcoming treatments don’t work then we will have wasted a lot of time and money for nothing and I will pretty much be at the end of the line.  I’m just ready for time to pass and for this to be over with because it’s been a long painful six years and the worry that this whole process is causing cannot be good for my health!

What I’m Working On

We are gearing up for back to school!  The school supplies have been ordered, the uniform shirts and pants should arrive in the mail any day, Jacob has already received a call from his new first grade teacher, and we have finished all of his summer homework.  Now we’re just waiting for August 7!  I know he’s going to have a great year!

What I’m Excited About

One word… FALL.  Too soon?  Not to me!  Once Fourth of July is over, I pretty much start yearning for fall because a) I’m over the heat… it is miserable in the south! and b) because I’m ready for a change of wardrobes.  I’m pretty much over shorts at this point, but I know we have a long way to go.  Now, technically in my book, it is fully acceptable to embrace all things fall on September first, but with the kids going back to school in a week and a half, I can’t help but start thinking about pumpkin spice lattes and scarves.  One more month!!

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – Bloodline, Bloodline, and… more Bloodline.  No seriously, that is pretty much all B and I have been watching these last couple of weeks.  My love for Kyle Chandler runs very deep, you guys.  Throw in a little bit of The Bachelorette (which has been so awful this season) and a little bit of AGT (America’s Got Talent) and you have B’s and my entire lineup!

Reading – Nothing right now… unless you count other people’s blogs?

What I’m Listening To

The Trolls soundtrack.  The Moana sountrack.  The Trolls soundtrack.  The Moana sountrack.  The Trolls soundtrack.  The Moana sountrack.  The Trolls soundtrack.  The Moana sountrack. 

Oh hey, that looks familiar!  That might have been my exact same answer for last month.  At this point, I can sing You’re Welcome in my sleep!

What I’m Wearing

Well, right now I’m wearing a bunch of summer stuff still and I’m pretty much living in these shorts on the weekends.  You can see all of my outfits for last month here.

What I’m Doing This Weekend

Well, we are signing Olivia up for her first sport this Saturday!  She wants to do “nastics” so we are signing her up for “nastics.”  Haha.  Signups are this Saturday morning so I’m hoping we can get her in the class we want!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Hopefully being cured of this back pain??  We’ll see!

What Else Is New

We have also signed Jacob up for his first sport – soccer!  We are still waiting to hear back from the organization regarding who his coach will be and what nights and times the practices and games will be, but he is excited and so are we!

Happy Wednesday, y’all!

*Linking up with ShayMel, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.


  1. It is never to early to want Fall my friend. Never to early. ;)

  2. I agree with Danielle - never too early! I am ready for it as well! Good luck with your treatment - really hope it works out for you! And how sweet the kids are going to be doing their first sports - SO fun!

  3. I was just saying yesterday that although I'm not completely ready for summer to be over I am looking forward to all the fun and routine fall brings. :) Sending you thoughts during your treatment.

  4. We got a glimpse of fall like temps this week and I'm not ready yet LOL!! Love your bar cart set up!! xo,Biana-BlovedBoston

  5. Lindsay I'm so sorry you have not found relief yet! Praying the next treatment works. I know how frustrating it is to continue to spend money and not see any relief. I'm totally with you on fall...ready for some cooler temps around here.

  6. So y'all start back on August 7th?! That is the same day we go back! It makes me feel better to hear that we aren't the only ones heading back to school so early. It is never too soon for fall, NEVER!

  7. Oh my gosh school starts Aug 7th!?! That's so soon! I REALLY hope the next round of treatments go well, I know how bad you want/need it to! And yes, I'm right there with you about Fall - I love Summer but come on, we all know Fall is way better :)

  8. Fingers and Toes crossed that the treatments work!
    Girl, I am so ready for Fall too! Once school starts back and we can't be at the pool 24/7 then its time for cooler weather! HA and GA Football!

  9. Love all of this! Still so obsessed with your bar cart-and I am loving that choker tee!

  10. Your bar cart looks amazing! I really want a bar cart, but our house doesn't currently have room for one! Also, I feel the same way about the Bachelorette this season, it just hasn't been great! I hope you get the answers you need for your back!! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you, Kasey! We had to move a couple of things around to accommodate the bar cart, but it was totally worth it! I love it! And thank you, that really means a lot.

  11. Sending lots of *hugs* that your back feels better soon! Still loving your bar cart, and your dinner tonight sounds DELISH <3
    Green Fashionista

  12. You bar cart! So pin-worthy my friend! I love it! Looks like so much fun going on in y'alls neck of the woods! xo

  13. Ah, I can't believe it's back to school time. So exciting! I'm thinking of you with your back issues. Keep us posted and sending up a prayer right now! Also, I'm secretly so excited for fall too. Of course not wishing away the fun plans we still have this summer, but I LOVE the fact that my favorite time of the year is just around the corner. I'm already thinking apple picking, Ben's Birthday, pumpkin picking (probably several times), hayrides, Halloween costumes, The Polar Express, SANTA, hahahaha. Yayyyyy!!!!

  14. Happy birthday to your guy! He's so cute! Loving your patriotic attire and the bar cart is suuuuuuper dreamy!!

  15. I love that Jacob likes Blake Shelton. Our youngest goes back August 4, comes earlier and earlier every year. I just know this is going to be a great year for your Jacob! Have a beautiful day!

    1. It's nice to listen to Blake amidst all of the Trolls and Moana songs! Haha.

      I know you're going to miss your baby so much when he goes back to school... I'm not looking forward to those days at all!

  16. bhahahhaah- love all the Disney soundtracks! Praying your back stuff gets figure out1

  17. Good luck with the back stuff. I hope they can figure out how to help you! I can't believe school is starting again so soon. We start 10 days after you do, but still!

  18. Getting ready for back to school as well. I can't believe how fast summer vacay went by. I should be used to it by now, but I guess I'm not. LOL! I am SO ready for fall as well.
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  19. I also can't wait for fall! Bring on the Pumpkin Spice lattes, sweaters, and football!

  20. I'm sooooooo ready for fall, too! I just cannot wait for all the fall things. I'm so so praying that your back pain finds relief asap! I'm so sorry you have to go through that. That sounds absolutely awful. :(

    1. Thank you, Brandi. I need all of the prayers I can get. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's pretty discouraging every time a treatment doesn't work and a doctor can't help. :o( I really appreciate you thinking of me.

  21. I hope your back treatment works. I will add to my prayers for sure. I love your Nordstrom picks and you had a busy month of celebrations and fun! xoxo ERIN

  22. You are going to love gymnastics and soccer and watching your kiddos do things they love. I hope you back pain ends quickly and this new treatment works. That pink cut-out shirt is adorable!

  23. Praying that treating the new area will take all of the pain away! I am so ready for fall as well. It’s too dang hot here and vacation is over…so bring on fall! Can’t wait to see how the kids like nastics and soccer!

  24. I can't believe it's back to school time already! Hope the treatment helps your back. That's the worst that you're dealing with that pain.

  25. Yay for the the kids' sports! Hope tomorrow's appointment goes well- will be thinking of you!

  26. I had my first back surgery when I was 11 and my second at 26 - in between and still today have been tons of alternative treatments to try and help with the chronic pain and frigate out how to treat I absolutely understand your journey! Praying you get some answers and relief!


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