
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Day in the Life - Stay at Home Mom on a Friday Edition {2.16.2018}

It’s been a few months since I documented one of our days, so it’s time for another edition of A Day in the Life!  I am officially a stay at home mom now, so my Day in the Life posts are going to look a bit different than they used to!

The day I documented was last Friday, February 16.  It was a normal Friday during the school year when both kids were in school.  I had actually started documenting Wednesday for the post originally, but that day started out so bad I decided I didn’t want to remember it, so I started documenting Thursday instead.  About halfway through the day on Thursday I realized that I had forgotten to document the majority of it, so Friday ended up being the day!

Here we go!

6:00 AM – Nothing has changed here… I still wake up at 6 AM on the dot… the same time I got up when I worked.  And yes, yes I DO still have the same wallpaper I've had for the last two years.  Lol.  I really should update that.

6:01 AM – I go straight to the bathroom to start getting ready and I see my note to myself.  The very first thing I do in the morning is get up and put in my contacts, so I left the note tucked under my contact case so I wouldn’t forget.  After two failed days of documentation I thought I might need reinforcements.  Surprisingly, it wasn’t necessary!  Anyhoo, as per usual, for the next 55 minutes I’m putting in contacts, showering, brushing teeth, doing makeup, getting dressed, and doing hair.   

6:55 AM – All ready!  And about ten minutes later than usual.  The beauty of it now is… I don’t have to work so it’s okay if we leave a few minutes later!  We have plenty of time padded in to get Jacob to school on time.  He usually arrives about 20-25 minutes early each day. 

6:56 AM – I walk out of my bedroom to see these little crazies have already finished breakfast and they are already upstairs and ready to get dressed for the day.  B comes in to get ready just a few minutes after six and he’s completely showered dressed and ready to go within 15 minutes max, so he is the one who always wakes the kiddos and gets them fed in the morning.  On this day, both of them are in the best little moods and when I ask to snap a picture, instead of complaining like they often do, they both pose and smile.  And since it’s so dark in the house still I have to use the flash and Jacob can’t keep his eyes open.  They both want to see the picture and then they laugh at Jacob’s half closed eyes.

6:58 AM – Brian and Jacob go into his room to pick out clothes and get dressed for the day and Olivia and I head into her room to pick out clothes and get her dressed.  As always, she has to lay her outfit out on the floor before she puts it on.  Never mind that it’s face-down.  Haha.

7:00 AM – While Olivia gets herself dressed I head to my office to make sure my blog post is live, do my link-ups, and post on Facebook. 

7:11 AM – This week is laundry week (I only do laundry every other week) so I throw a load in the washer and then head downstairs.  When I worked, all of our laundry had to be done on the weekends, but – hallelujah – now I’m home and I can get it done during the week most of the time!  No more Saturdays spent washing 7 loads of clothes!  #AllThePraiseHands

7:20 AM – I head downstairs, make my breakfast of one egg with a little bit of cheddar cheese sprinkled on top, and then I make Jacob’s lunch while I eat.  It is currently Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter) and as Catholics, we do not eat meat on Fridays during Lent, so Friday lunches are always a challenge for my picky eater.  He doesn’t like peanut butter and jelly, so we pretty much always resort to cheese and crackers for his main dish.  I pack the cheese and crackers with some fresh strawberries and blueberries, a Greek Yogurt for protein, and a few of the mini chocolate chip cookies that we love from Trader Joe’s.  Not exactly a Pinterest-worthy lunch, but not terrible either!

7:27 AM – Jacob and I load up and head out.  Olivia always wants to watch us leave, so she and Brian hang out in the garage to wave goodbye.  Well, Brian waves… Olivia twirls.  :o) 

7:40 AM – The dark spot in our day.  Jacob likes to be walked in to school instead of dropped off in the car line, so he and I park as we always do.  When he’s getting out of the back seat of the car, his little fingers are holding the panel between the doors in the back seat and the front seat.  I always always look to make sure that fingers are out of the way before shutting the door, but for some reason I don’t see them there this time and as soon as I close the door he starts screaming.  I rush to him to see why and realize what has happened so I quickly open the door.  I’m sick to my stomach and just positive that his fingers are going to be broken, but thankfully, it was only the tip of his middle finger that was caught in the door when I closed it.  Another mom is at my side because she heard the screaming, and I feel just awful when I tell her what happened.  I cradle him and kiss him and apologize a million and one times and we stay out in the car for a few minutes so I can monitor his finger to make sure we don’t need to go to the ER.

7:50 AM – His tears are dry, he’s moving all of his fingers, there’s no swelling and surprisingly not even a red mark, so I walk him in.  Since we are still a little early, the kids are still in early care in the cafeteria so I won’t be able to see his teacher to let her know what happened, so after I drop him off, I go straight to the car and text her to let her know and then I drive home, crying all the way.  It is always awful to see your kids in pain, but to know that you are the reason for their pain makes everything so much worse. 

8:05 AM – I arrive at home and I already have a text message from his teacher saying that he’s just fine, and that he wanted a Band-aid and no ice. 

8:22 AM – I call Brian and tell him what happened sobbing the whole time, and then it takes me a few more minutes before I snap out of it and calm down.  I make my Hot Cinnamon Sunset Tea that I drink almost every morning and then I head upstairs to move the laundry to the dryer.

8:23 AM – I head into my office with my tea and Maui lays down at my feet and then I read my devotional for a bit… Lord knows I need it today after what just happened!

8:45 AM – I turn on my favorite morning show, the Elvis Duran Morning Show (anybody else listen?) and then I get to work!  Since I don’t have a blog post the next day Fridays are usually used for catching up on “life stuff.”  On this day, I pay a couple of medical bills, and for one, unfortunately, I have to contact our insurance company.  That, of course, takes forever, and before I know it my morning is half gone.  I spend the next little bit organizing my to-do lists, getting a couple of blog posts prepped for the following week, making an eye appointment, and catching up on a few other things that needed to be done.  I then take a quick break to take the payments down to the mailbox, and I use that time to also snap a quick picture of my OOTD since I take one every day.

11:45 AM – Life stuff is organized and caught up for the day, so it’s time to get back to purging and simplifying.  I’m still working in my office, and on this day I decided to start tackling the file cabinet.  It’s three drawers and it’s HUGE so it’s going to take some serious time.

12:24 PM – I realized how late it was so I ran downstairs, grabbed my meatless salad, an orange, and a Larabar and ate my lunch while catching up on my blog reading.  While I’m eating, Jacob’s teacher texts me to let me know that Jacob is still doing great and he hasn’t once complained about his finger hurting all day.  That text made my day and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief.  I thought it was so thoughtful of her to send an update to me!  We just love our school family so much.  They truly care about the students and they always go out of their way to keep us parents informed. 

1:38 PM – Finally peel myself away from my computer and it’s back to purging and simplifying.  I’m still cleaning out files while simultaneously ripping old CDs so I can get rid of them.  I come across my massive stack of old paystubs from my previous job and all of them go straight to the shredder.  I did save one from each year plus my very first and my very last one, though, just for reference.

2:20 PM – My phone alarm rings to let me know that it’s time to go pick up my Munchie.  I tie up the loose ends real quick and head out the door, grabbing another bottle of water on the way.  The car line is always particularly long on Fridays so I have to wait a bit longer than usual… not my favorite since I’m dying to see him.  It was hard having to leave him after shutting his finger in the car and I’ve been thinking about him nonstop and counting down the minutes until I could pick him up and make sure his finger was okay.

2:55 PM – My Boo is in the car and telling me that his finger feels fine and I breathe another sigh of relief!  We head straight to Olivia’s school to pick her up… Friday is the only day that we pick her up so it’s always a treat for everyone.

3:27 PM – On this day when we arrive, her class is having a parade and they are dancing and walking around shaking maracas and banging drums.  Jacob and I clap and dance along with them for a minute and then we gather Olivia's things.  Mrs. Caroline at the front desk gives the kids goodbye hugs and sends them on their way with lollipops for the road.  We stop by the bathroom in the hall to let the kids go potty because the next stop is the playground!

3:47 PM – It’s pretty cloudy, but temps are in the mid-seventies so it feels like perfection outside.  We meet my friend Jeannine and her boys at the playground downtown and all of the kids play and play and play… for well over an hour.  Jeannine and I chat and catch up while also running around assisting the kids and keeping watch over them.  (And from this point forward, if you read my weekend post this past weekend, you already know most of how the rest of the day went!)

4:53 PM – We round them up and snap a few quick pictures in front of the wall mural nearby and then it’s time to head home to meet up with Brian, who is actually already off of work and has beaten us home. 

5:32 PM – I have completely slacked on doing any kind of house cleaning today (because – Friday), so while the kids wash up and go potty, I quickly load the dishwasher and then we get ready to head out for dinner.

5:56 PM – Margs and cheese dip all around!  Well, margs for B and me and cheese dip all around.  Haha.  We love Mexican food so much and we have it almost once a week… since it’s a Friday during Lent, Mex is perfect because we can have cheese quesadillas or cheese enchiladas and rice and beans since we can’t have meat. 

7:02 PM – We’re home and I head straight upstairs to get changed into something comfy.  Since it hasn’t been cold I opt for some leggings and a comfy sweatshirt… my typical fleece PJs are not needed and neither are my house slippers.

7:35 PM – We all plop down on the couch and turn on the University of Georgia girls gymnastics meet (first time we’ve ever watched one before) and the kids are completely enamored.  Both of them watch and ask questions and cheer and I can’t believe how much they love it.  My marg makes me sleepy and I totally doze on the couch for the rest of the meet and then it’s time to get my butt up to get the kids in the bed.

8:45 PM – The bedtime routine commences and it’s PJs, teeth-brushing, pottying, a little bit of whining, and a lot of the kids getting side-tracked, but by 9:20 our job is done.

9:25 PM – B and I head back downstairs, turn on the Olympics for a few, but then switch over to Friends from College, and we get a couple of episodes in while I scratch his back and he rubs my feet.  We also each have something sweet – I opt for some of my beloved Halo Top and he opts for Oreos. 

11:15 PM – B and I finally head upstairs for bed.  When B goes to his side of the bed, he sees this and I have to snap a picture because it’s so darn typical yet hilarious at the same time. 

11:20 PM – I wash my face and brush my teeth, take out my contacts, put on moisturizer, take my allergy med, put on my glasses, put on my chap stick, potty, and get in the bed to try and read for a few minutes, but exhaustion wins and I’m out like a light by 11:45 PM.

And that’s just another day in the life of Lindsay!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Your Hosts! 

Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place / Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter 
Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Faceobok / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

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  1. Your days really do fly by so fast! I always think I can get so much done with the kids at school but it doesn't always happen! HA
    Glad you are loving being a SAHM.

  2. what a day! It flew by, but seriously, do you really only do laundry every other week? for all of you??

  3. You crack me up girl, sounds like me trying to document a day, then things go awry and you must shoot for another day. Your Friday looked pretty darn good and I must say that overlay top is so beautiful on you!! Olivia! The baby in the bed cracked me up! Have a great day today!

  4. My favorite posts!!! I love a look at your whole day - it sounds like a great one! And I am with Emily on the laundry. I feel like even just with me I have to do it each week with workout clothes and underwear - guess I need to just buy more stuff! :)

  5. I'm amazed at all the purging you've done, and that you still wake up super early! This non-morning person needs her coffee just thinking about it <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. What a busy Day! I feel like I am busier now as a SAHM than I was when I was woeking.

  7. Love these days and always so jealous of people who can hop right out of bed in the morning, its a daily mind game for me! Just get up but I don't want to!!! I love my sleep ;) xoxo ERIN

  8. So many things packed into the day!! I love that Olivia lays out her outfit (backwards)--so cute!

  9. My mom accidentally shut my hand in the door when I was 14! I will always remember it because I had a cast on that hand and it hurt more than breaking my wrist haha. Mine was worse though, so don't feel too bad. My fingernail turned black and fell off! It happens to the best of moms :)

  10. I love that you left yourself a note - I never remember to do day in the life posts! I can't believe you do laundry every other week? I do it twice a week! Oh goodness about the finger. That's definitely a fear of mine! I listened to z100 when I was a kid, living in NJ! Maybe you can take your kids to a gymnastics meet, that would be fun!

  11. Love a day in the life post!! I have one in my drafts that I need to finish up Mexican is a weekly staple in our house, too. Give me all the queso and margs!

  12. I've never done a day in the life post but I'm looking forward to sharing one for one of our link up topics. A mother's work is never done right? I like the idea of doing laundry every other week. That's something I definitely need to get a better handle on. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  13. Trying to document a whole day sounds so daunting to me and you did such a great job! You are the second person I have heard of taking their allergy pill at night, have you always done that or did changing it up make a real difference? Mmm I think I am going to get some Mexican for lunch now, you have me craving cheese dip!

  14. I love these posts. My favorite. I still need to document my day, but I have been slacking on it.

  15. I love how you started out by saying you chose a different day because the first day started out so badly. Now that's real life! I so wish I could get away with doing laundry every other week, but with 6 people, it's just not possible!

    1. Yes it is, girl. Yes it is. That Wednesday was not fun at all and I knew it wasn't something I would want to remember! And yes, girl, I bet. I can't even imagine how much you do!

  16. I love reading these day in the life posts! I soooo need your morning motivation. Mornings are so hard for me and I wish I could wake up at 6 and not die, hahaha.

    1. Haha. I'm not a morning person AT ALL. It's my shower that immediately wakes me up, so if I don't take that I'm in big trouble! That's why I shower every single morning!

  17. Oh my gosh I cannot believe you only do laundry every other week!! I would die at the amount of clothes that I would have to wash haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  18. I love these types of posts. And I love that u had to remind yourself to track everything lol! Your cd photo brought back memories to when I konmari'd all my cds. I had so damn many. they are pretty much obsolete these days.

  19. Emily's finger got slammed in a door recently too and I felt like my heart got ripped out of my chest. It was SO sad. Her fingertip is still all purple too!

    These posts always EXHAUST me! So much goes into a day.


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