
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Baby Showers for Baby Olivia

February is the month for love, but it’s also the birth month for our second little love, Olivia.  This time four years ago I was hugely pregnant and counting down the days until I got to hold her in my arms, and since I’ve been a little nostalgic this past week, I thought it might be fun to reminisce a little here on the blog today.

As most of you know, I didn’t start blogging until Olivia was one, so my pregnancy with her as well as her first year of life were undocumented, and every now and then I like to take a step back in time to update some of the important things from the past so she can read about them when she is older.  Today I’m going to do just that and I’m going to post a few details and pictures from the two baby showers that were thrown for me in her honor.

Family & Friends Shower – February 1, 2014

On February 1, 2014 my best friend, Shelly, threw a baby shower for me and it was everything I could have ever wanted.  And bless her, she was six months pregnant with her daughter Claire so it was the sweetest thing for her to take on such a big project during such an exhausting time. 

Shelly lives pretty far out in the country, so we opted to have the shower at my house since it is more convenient for everyone.  Shelly did all of the planning and preparing and then she just set it all up at our house.  All of my favorite ladies (family and friends) were in attendance as well as my two favorite boys, Brian and Jacob.  We all dined on sandwiches, pasta salad, chips and dip, fruit, cake, and punch, and then it was time for presents.

Jacob was just two and a half years old at the time of the shower, and all of these old pictures of him just make me melt.  Oh how I miss him being so tiny!  He was thrilled to help me open every single present, and everyone oohed and aahed over all of the sweet little girly things – there were lots of hearts, lots of ruffles, and lots of pink things!  I have always been a super girly girl, and everyone had always told me that I would probably have all boys just because of that, so it was surreal to see all of those frilly little outfits and know that they were for my daughter.  And disclaimer –I would have, of course, been happy with a house full of boys, too… I am a sister to two brothers, so being around boys is all I’ve ever known!  And frankly, raising a girl is actually a little more intimidating.

*Look closely in the photos below and you'll see the Georgia cheerleading outfit that Olivia wore this past weekend.  <3

Once the gifts were open and passed around we played a couple of party games, and then my girlfriends and I headed outside to snap a few pictures before everybody left.  In this picture, three of us are preggo, and one of my girlfriends who had already left had just had her baby six weeks prior to my shower.  Yep, in my close group of friends, four of the six of us were preggo at the same time.  Crazy!

One other thing to note, before you start looking at the pictures, pregnancy did some WEIRD things to my body, and not just the normal weird things that happen to most pregnant ladies.  During my pregnancies with both Jacob and Olivia, during the last three months I literally started losing weight everywhere on my body except for my belly.  My arms and legs turned into sticks and my face became so gaunt that my cheekbones stuck out, my eyes looked all hollow, and my mouth looked huge.  It was like my babies just sucked the fat out of my whole body and took it for themselves.  That’s probably why both of them were so freaking huge!  Haha.  I have no clue why that happened but my midwife wasn’t the least bit concerned so it wasn’t a big deal.  When I look back on these pictures they creep me out a little, though, because my face is so crazy thin! 

The three preggos!

Me with my beautiful preggo hostess!  Her little babe was born just two months after Olivia.

Me with my gorgeous Momma!

Handsome hubs who wore pink for the occasion.  <3

And my sweet little Munchie… Lordy, I love that sweet little boy!

And here’s a picture of all of the loot!  Sweet baby girl got some great stuff!

Work Shower – February 7, 2014

My co-workers were also kind enough to throw a shower for me in Olivia’s honor a few days later on February 7.  They brought in gourmet Oreo cupcakes and Banana Pudding cupcakes and the all pooled together to get a gift card for us so we could buy any remaining baby registry items that we needed.  It was so generous of all of them, and I was so thankful to work with such a great group of people! 

Just a little over two weeks later, on February 24, 2014, our little family took our last picture as a family of three, and sweet baby girl was born the very next morning. 

For more on Olivia’s birth and also for details on Jacob’s birth, click here… you’ll find belly pictures, birth stories, and newborn photos for each of them plus my hugely popular post about how I documented Olivia’s pregnancy with chalkboard signs. 

See you back here tomorrow for Girl Chat!  We’ll be discussing how we stay organized and we hope that you’ll link up with us!

Don't forget to link up with us below!  

Your Hosts! 

Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place / Bloglovin / Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / Twitter 
Keri at Keri Lynn Synder / Faceobok / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest 

*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday.

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  1. How cute! You....cutest pregnant mama Evah!!!! Chalkboard cool and look how little and precious Jacob was! Happy Valentine’s Day gorgeous!

  2. I love that you go back and share these types of things! Your showers sound like they were a blast - I just love all the girly things you got. And Olivia is definitely a girly girl with her love for pretty dresses and shoes and all those other things!

  3. So many cute photos :) and love all the fun monogram things you got. xoxo ERIN

  4. Such fun showers!! I always love looking at the past. :)

  5. How cute is your pregnant belly! You were totally ALL baby!!

  6. So much fun!!! I love looking back at a year ago (before Ella was here), so I'm sure its even more fun to look back further and see how things have changed! Looks like your shower was adorable!

  7. Awe, so sweet. I love seeing all of these photos. Especially tiny Jacob!!!

  8. What a fun shower! I love that Jacob was there too! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Aw, how fun to look back. Such great showers. You and your momma look so much alike!

  10. What a fun look back on these sweet showers!

  11. How adorable! That cake is the cutest!

  12. So sweet to reminisce!! That's crazy you lost weight in those places, you can definitely tell in your face - glad it was only during pregnancy!

  13. Loving the throwback pics from when you were a family of 3, and how pretty is that cake! Your girlfriend is amazing throwing down a shower like that when she was pregnant herself. Incredible! <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. What a fun look back! Such a fun shower and I love the pictures. I also love that Jacob was there to help celebrate!

  15. What a sweet post! I loved getting at look at your shower for Olivia. Everything turned out so nice and it looks it was a great day. I always loved having pregnant friends with me at the same time. Sierra~Beautifully Candid


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