
Friday, March 2, 2018

Five on Friday - Girl Time and Other Faves

Another busy week in the books!  The weeks seem to fly by even faster now that I don’t work.  I have no clue how I used to have time to do everything back when I had a full-time job.  I’m home without kids for six hours Monday through Friday now and I still feel there’s not enough time to get everything done.  It’s probably just because all of my free time is going towards purging, simplifying, and organizing.  Once the whole house is done, I’m hoping I’ll eventually reach a point where I have more free time. 

Also, I swear it’s like I blinked and it’s March. 

I have lots of faves today!

O N E – Pedicure with Girlfriends

Okay, y’all, I am totally getting used to this stay-at-home-mom gig.  Tuesday morning two of my girlfriends and I decided to get together because all six of our babies were in school at the same time.  My friend Jeannine suggested getting a pedicure, and I was totally on board because it’s starting to get warm here so the sandals and flip flops are starting to come out! 

We met at 11:30 and enjoyed being pampered, and we were having such a good time that we all ended up staying to chat long after they were done.  I realized, I can’t even remember when the last time was that I had a pedicure… I know my Momma and I got one before my brother’s wedding, but that was almost FIVE years ago.  I may have gotten one when I was preggo with Olivia, but I can’t even remember??  If so then that was still over four years ago.  I just can’t believe it’s been that long since I’ve had one!  Anyhoo, it was such a nice little treat, and it was something that I couldn’t have done if I had been at work. 

Saying that I’m loving staying at home is an understatement. 

And I sure do love these ladies!

T W O – New Recipe to Try

You guys may remember that B and I finally started grilling for the first time last year?  (LOL.)  Well, we are loving it and we have pretty much perfected the burger.  I try not to cook with a lot of red meat, though, so I’d like to find some healthier alternatives.

My friend Emily (hiiii, Emily!) posted this recipe for Turkey Burgers earlier this week and they sound so yummy.  Once the warm weather decides to stick around, we will definitely be trying these!  And I love her idea to top them with a little bit of BBQ sauce!  They sound so flavorful!

T H R E E – Dr. Seuss Week at Olivia’s School

If you have small kids you may have heard that this week is Dr. Seuss’s birthday!  Both of our kids’ schools have always done something special to commemorate the big day and Olivia’s school decided to do some themes for each day of this week. 

Monday they were supposed to wear a mustache but we didn’t know about it because we didn’t get the memo since we kept Olivia out from school on Friday.  Tuesday they were supposed to wear stripes but since Olivia now picks out her own clothes in the morning I completely dropped the ball on this.  Wednesday was pajama day and the kids brought home some cute Cat & the Hat masks and whiskers, Thursday was crazy hair day (and I am just awful at doing anything hair related so don’t judge.  LOL.), and today is mismatched shoes and socks day.  I have no idea why she decided to hold up a brush for her picture, but we are just rolling with it.  Haha.  Also, note her hair in the last picture... she wanted it "curly" AKA to wear her hair in braids all night and wake up with crimped hair.  Like mother, like daughter.  <3

F O U R – The Kids’ School Papers are Organized to the MAX!

Did you catch my post on Tuesday?  The kids and my school paperwork boxes are DONE and DONE.  I had so many questions on Instagram stories that I decided to do an entire post just dedicated to those and I went into great detail about what categories we used and what exactly we saved.  The best part is, every single school-related paper from preschool through college fits in just one box – schoolwork, keepsakes, pictures, report cards, and awards.  Yes, I am not kidding!  #AndAllTheMommasSaidAmen

F I V E – How We are Saving Money

Finally, did you catch my post yesterday?  My handsome hubs made his debut on the blog and he wrote his very first post for me!  Since I am no longer working, we are trying to save money any way that we can, so Brian joined a few cash-back programs and we are sharing in detail how they work, exactly how much money we have gotten back from each of them, and how you can get signed up and receive cash back within minutes of signing up!  See the post here. 

Happy Friday, all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Girl time is the best time! I can't believe you don't remember the last time you had a pedicure! ;) those are a must! HA
    I can't wait to start my kids school paper organization!
    Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  2. Seriously nothing beats a pedicure!! I saw Emily's burgers and am also dying to try them!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hiiiiii! Thanks for sharing the recipe! I hope when grilling season starts you like it! I love Olivia's pjs - those are too cute! And yay for getting in some girl time and a pedicure. You are killing that SAHM life!

  4. I love getting a pedicure, my girlfriends and I have a date on Tuesday to get them! Have a great weekend!

  5. I am dubbing you the organizational Queen!!! LOVE Olivia's braids and yay for pedicure and girl time!! Happy weekend!

  6. Pedicures with girlfriends is the best!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Pedicures are seriously my guilty pleasure :) I don't do them often but I love them! So fun that Brian shared those programs. We are all about saving money over here!

  8. Oooo heading to read yesterdays post now!! I always need ways to save money haha. I totally hear ya too, there is just not enough time in the day, granted I'm never alone yet, but still, I can see even when they're all in full time school, the days will fly!

  9. I am in desperate need of a pedi! I hope I can sneak some time to do so this weekend. I have been loving seeing all of the kiddos on FB sharing about Dr. Seuss week. Little Olivia is precious.

  10. I'm so glad you're enjoying one of the perks of this SAHM gig! :) I still have preschoolers, so we'll see if something like that ever happens for me. I know I always mention this, but love your organization tips. I want to make the same boxes for my kiddos!

  11. I very rarely go for pedicures but I did get one last summer! Going out during the day is a great benefit to staying home. Cute dress up photos!

  12. Im so jealous that you live somewhere warm enough for sandals already!!!

  13. Pedicure's are the best, especially with friends! So glad you found time to do that. Aw she is so cute with her cat in the hat props! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. I need a pedicure so bad! That looks so relaxing and I love the color you all went with. Olivia looks so cute! I saw a bunch of schools did crazy hair day but thankfully our did crazy hat day because my boys hair is always looking crazy on most days lol. I hope you have a great weekend! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  15. I'm so glad you're enjoying your time at home! I'm so ready for spring break and summer vacation so I can pretend I'm at stay at home wife haha!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  16. I have been meaning to organize Owen's work like this for YEARS! I bought the box, but then stopped when it came time to do the rest. Gotta get on it. I love what you did with yours!

  17. I love that picture of Olivia with the Cat in the Hat hat and whiskers. I am so jealous of sandal weather! We had snow this week. NOOO! I am a summer soul. I love the organizing of the school work. You have been so busy purging and organizing, I love it!

  18. Girl time in the middle of the day?! What is this SAHM life that you live. I feel like mine is a bit jaded since my kids are always with me :P. Both a blessing and a curse.

  19. How did I miss Brian's money-saving post???? I LOVE posts like that! Everyone handles finances so differently, so it's one of my favorite topics to read about! Off to check it out!


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