
Monday, March 5, 2018

Our Weekend - Jacob’s First Soccer Game & Gorgeous Weather

It was a positively gorgeous weekend and we soaked up lots of sunshine!

Friday I had another productive day at home.  I got several things crossed off the ol’ to do list including my newest project… organizing all of the kids’ paper keepsakes that are not school papers.  You may remember my school papers keepsake box that I posted about last week?  Well, I’m making a new keepsake box for all of their other paper keepsakes like birthday cards and such.  I’m hoping to share it on the blog soon, but in the meantime, you can always follow along in real-time on Instagram stories!

Friday afternoon I picked up both of the kids and we headed to our local library to meet a couple of my girlfriends and their kiddos for the Read Across America Day celebration.  There was a fun presentation where a couple of Dr. Seuss books were read, and a few songs were sung, and then it was time to head into another room for birthday cake (for Dr. Seuss, of course!) and some fun games and activities.  The place was a zoo, but the kids had a blast, and we even made the local news that evening.  ;o)

We met up with B after that and we all headed to Cracker Barrel for dinner.  B and the kiddos had breakfast for dinner, but I had a hankering for some veggies and it was a good choice.  If you have a CB nearby and you go on occasion, be sure to try the Brussels Sprout and Kale salad the next time you go.  It is listed as a side so I had it as one of my veggies and OMG, y’all, it is one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.  The rest of the evening was spent getting the kiddos in bed and catching up on shows.

Saturday, Jacob had his first soccer game at noon.  It was positively gorgeous outside and we had a great time watching him play.  Last season he was a bit cautious about the whole soccer thing even though he seemed to have fun, but this season we can already tell that he’s becoming more aggressive (in a good way) and getting into the game a bit more.  He played offense for a while and he also played defense some.  He was a BOSS at defense!  He knew just where to stand in front of the net when people were coming and he always knew when to go get back into position after coming out away from the net.  All of the other kids just kept abandoning the net and playing offense when they were supposed to be on defense.  Our team has a long way to go.  Haha.  They lost 7-3, but he had so much fun and at this age that’s really all that matters.

We headed home for a late lunch after that and then I spent the afternoon clearing out the file cabinet in my office to get it moved downstairs so we can try to sell it.  The thing is HUGE… it’s a full-size office file cabinet (one of the wide three-drawer cabinets, not the tall cabinets) so it takes up so. much. space. And I’m ready for it to be GONE!  I also got a huge box of yard sale stuff priced and packed up to take to my mother-in-law’s because we literally have no place else to put any more junk.  And I still have to clean out the majority of the house.  Eeks.

Saturday evening we went to church and then out for our usual Mexican for dinner.  My parents were out of town all weekend, so it was just the four of us.  On the way home, Olivia fell asleep, and I mean OUT COLD, and we couldn’t believe it.  That just never happens anymore, but I guess that’s what happens when you wake up at 6 AM… which she did that day.  Sigh.

Sunday was another gorgeous day so we spent lots of time in the back yard at my MIL and step-FIL’s house after lunch.  The kids got to help Nana pick carrots which they loved, and they also got to dig in the dirt for a good long while.  They came across a couple of earth worms and I swear I almost fainted when Olivia started playing with them.  I don’t do worms.  My skin is crawling even thinking about them. 

Since my parents were out of town for the weekend, I took on Sunday dinner so it was ready for them when they arrived back in town.  They came over along with my bro and his friend, my uncle and his girlfriend, and my grandmother… the usual Sunday crew.  I made a new pasta dish that I don’t even really have a name for because I made it up as I went, but it’s kind of like chicken parmesan.  The chicken is shredded, though, and I don’t use spaghetti noodles.  Instead I used Rigatoni and I mixed the noodles, some spaghetti sauce, and the shredded chicken altogether in a baking dish, topped it with mozzarella, and then baked it.  We had that along with roasted green beans and garlic bread, the ever present bottle of wine, and Hershey Pie for dessert. 

Momma and Daddy told us all about their trip (Nashville – SO jealous) and then after the boys were done eating I put them to work and got them to get my huge file cabinet down the stairs.  They also brought B’s old smaller file cabinet up for me, so now all I have to do is paint it.

And you can find me here doing just that all day today!  Happy Monday! 

Don't forget to link up with us... just grab the graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a great weekend! Jacob looks so cute in his soccer uniform!!
    The weather here was gorgeous here too! We soaked it all up!

  2. You are on a roll with the organization! Jack starts soccer next month, I can't wait! Glad y'all had such a great weekend!

  3. Little kids playing soccer is the cutest thing! Love watching them run down the field!! And so glad y'all had a great weekend!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. So excited about your next project!! Looks like a sweet soccer weekend with lots of signs of Spring!! So jealous your mom and dad in Nashville too, so sweet you took dinner to them! Have a great start to your week!

  5. Sounds like a super fun, productive weekend! How cool you made the news!!

  6. Jealous of your weather!! Ha!! Looks like you had a great weekend!!!

  7. The kids look so cute at the dr. Seuss event. We had off school on Friday so they are doing Read Across America today!

  8. That picture of Olivia sleeping could be used as blackmail in high school :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. It is always fun watching little ones playing in sorts. We had horrible weather here this weekend, crazy winds and freezing temps!

    1. Ugh, I saw that crazy weather up there! There has been so much snow this past week in the U.S.!

  10. Another great weekend! So fun Jacob's soccer games started back up - and that he is getting more comfortable with it! I am with you on worms - they gross me out, bleh. Good for Olivia for being fearless, though, haha. Happy Monday!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend! Your kids are so lucky to have a mom who is keeping all their keepsakes organized! Have a wonderful week!

  12. Sounds like a great weekend! What great weather you had. I love that your weekly thing is getting Mexican, yummy, now I want some! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  13. What a fabulous weekend! I still can't get over all those carrots!!!

  14. Sounds like it was a great weekend. I love mexican food! I wish I had it weekly, that is such a great idea.

  15. What a great weekend. So jealous of your beautiful weather. Those carrots look amazing. We grow carrots, but they never come out looking like that.

  16. We had the BEST time in Nashville a few years ago and I've always wanted to go back. I can not get over how many people turned up for the library's activity; we rarely have more than a handful of children attend ours.


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