
Monday, October 29, 2018

Our Weekend - The One with Concert Date Night & Fall Family Pictures

I know I sound like a broken record when I say this, but we had another great weekend!  There’s just something about weekends in the fall that make them better than all the rest!! 

Friday evening, Jacob’s old teacher, Mrs. Kristin came over to watch the kids, and B and I headed out to meet my parents for a date night.  B and I are longtime fans of a musician, Robert Earl Keen, and when he announced a concert with Lyle Lovett B snatched up some tickets.  He somehow managed to get four together in the sixth row!  My Daddy is a longtime Lyle Lovett fan, so we offered the extra tickets to my parents, and my mom decided to get them and surprise my Daddy with them at dinner.

We met at one of our favorite restaurants for drinks and dinner and then we walked to the theater for the show.  As I said before, our seats were in the sixth row just left of center so I was able to snap a few great shots.  The show ended up being fantastic!  Lyle and REK each took turns playing songs and telling stories, and both of them were really funny.  They have been real-life friends since college so they have great energy together and both of them had the whole audience in stitches.  It was great.  I only knew  a couple of Lyle Lovett’s songs, but he made a fan out of me Friday evening.  He’s definitely quirky and but he’s incredibly kind and talented, and surprisingly charming.  I think I finally got a little glimpse into why Julia Roberts fell in love and married him all those years ago.  Who knew?

Saturday morning was a lazy one… we slept in until 8:30, made homemade waffles with Halloween sprinkles, and we watched ESPN College Gameday snuggled up on the couch.  They were at the Georgia vs. Florida game, so a lot of the show focused on Georgia, which y’all know we enjoyed! 

Jacob had his last soccer game of the season at noon, so we bundled up and headed out.  It was cloudy and oh so chilly and it was just perfect.  His team ended up winning 6-3 and Jacob had some great blocks to prevent the other team from scoring.  His coaches have had him on defense pretty much all season and he seems to thrive there.  After his game, they awarded each of the kids with their medals, and some celebratory cupcakes, and just like that we wrapped up his third season.  I can’t even believe it!

Once soccer was over, it was time to head back home, get back in my cozy PJs, and be lazy for the rest of the day.  Olivia and I did manicures (for me) and pedicures (for her) and then we got settled in on the couch for the Georgia vs. Florida game.  My cousin, Wil, is the equipment manager for the football team so he’s always down on the field during the games, and every now and then I’ll see his cute little face on my TV.  I always get so excited when I see him.  Haha.  He’s the one clapping front and center in the picture.

During a commercial break, I was scrolling through my Timehop and the most appropriate picture from six years ago popped up!  That Gators Stink onesie actually has quite a funny story behind it… you can click here to read all about it.  And trust me, you'll want to read.  It's pure gold. Go ahead, click over now... I'll wait...

B and I cracked open some beers halfway through the first quarter, and then we used our trusty rusty Waitr app to have our favorite pizza delivered later in the game so we didn’t have to leave the house and miss anything.  Georgia ended up getting the big WIN that we needed and we were ecstatic!  Our team looked like our team again and not at all like whatever team showed up to play LSU two weeks ago.  Sheesh.  I’m still having nightmares over that one.

Sunday morning we were up, ready, and out before the sun was up to go take our fall family photos.  We went to the same park where we’ve taken them the last two years and this year we decided to do them ourselves again.  Photography is so expensive, and I feel like we do a pretty good job with our tripod and my fancy camera, so it was an easy way to save a good chunk of money. 

It was COLD and the kids’ little noses started turning pink towards the end of our shoot, but they were little troopers… especially considering they weren’t allowed to wear jackets.  We ended up taking 302 pictures in just about 30-40 minutes, so I’m hopeful that out of all of those, we got the shot.  Fall Bucket List CHECK!

Afterwards, the kids (and B and I) were rewarded handsomely with pumpkin spice donuts and donuts with frosting and Halloween sprinkles for a job well done.  The rest of the morning was spent prepping for the week ahead, and then we headed to my MIL and step-FIL’s house for Sunday lunch.  We have all been so busy we hadn’t been over there for Sunday lunch in around a month, I think?  So we were all happy to get back to our regular Sunday Funday routine. 

My MIL and step-FIL had decorated the front porch to the nines for Halloween and they had a festive lunch prepared, along with a Halloween dessert and little goody bags for each of the kids.  They were in heaven!  They have been extra obsessed with Halloween decorations this year, so it was a nice little treat.  Afterwards, we all went outside to play.  The weather was fall perfection, so there was no other place I would have rather been.

Sunday evening, we all headed over to my parents house for Sunday dinner, and same as my mother-in-law, my momma hadn’t cooked Sunday dinner in over a month, so it was a real treat to be back again.  It’s pretty rare for our moms not to cook on Sundays, but it’s even more rare for both of them to miss the same Sunday.  And for both of them to not cook for the whole same month?!  Well this might be the first time that’s ever happened in the history of B’s and my relationship. 

We were all so happy to be back into our usual Sunday routine, and for the first time in weeks, I feel complete heading into Monday.  ;o)

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new fall graphic (seriously how cute is it?!) and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What fun and so cool to surprise your daddy! Great seats and a super great weekend!! Hope you Monday is awesome too!

  2. Being a broken record about great weekends is definitely a good thing!!! So glad Georgia pulled out a win...and boy does that picture of pizza have me craving it this morning, haha! I can't wait to see your pictures - I bet they turned out great!

  3. What a fun weekend! Can't say I'm super happy with the outcome of Saturday's game, but oh well! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  4. I'm so glad you had a great weekend! Can't wait to see the pictures. We totally took our pregnancy announcement photo with a tripod...getting everybody together for a photoshoot is impossible these days!

    1. Yes it is!! The tripod method really seems to work for us, too. The kids seem to smile better when it's just the camera and not a person back there. So strange!

  5. Looks like such a great weekend! That outfit with the gingham off-the-shoulder top and booties is fall perfection! And I am drooling over that pizza... yum. Hope your week is off to a great start!

  6. What a great weekend! I love that your in-laws decorated their porch and had little goodie bags. I love that you guys went to a Lyle Lovett concert. What a beautiful venue.

  7. Definitely does look like another great weekend! xo

  8. I can never get over how busy you are. And how you manage to remember to take pictures!! Last week I took the girls to take some pictures for the Christmas card. While they didn't turn out as nice as last year, they are ok. Next up is to get at least one family shot. Yesterday it was raining, so I have my finger's crossed this weekend.

  9. LOVE your date night look, and what a game this weekend! <3
    Green Fashionista

  10. What a fun weekend. I can’t wait to see how your pictures turned out.

  11. Getting a tripod has made all the difference in the world and makes my camera so much more useful! Glad you could do that! That concert sounds amazing! Glad y'all beat Florida, sorry the loss to us is still stinging!

  12. Jamie loves REK! Sounds like a fun double date night with your folks!!

  13. OMG over 300 photos! You have to have a good one!! Good idea taking them yourselves, it can be so darn expensive! We took family beach photos in Fl and I'm DYING to get them!

  14. Looks like your weekend was so much fun! We have concert tickets to Leon Bridges in April--which feels so far away haha!!! I hope your Monday was great, too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  15. What a fun full fall weekend! I agree fall weekends are so fun and they are just going to keep being fun through the holidays! Yay for fall attire too!

  16. What a great weekend! That is so fun how you surprised your dad with the concert tickets!

  17. Great weekends are the best and I think every weekend should be that way! What a fun double date night with your parents. I can't wait to see your pics! It sounds like you got some good ones. Sierra Beautifully Candid

  18. I couldn’t agree more…weekends in the fall are just better! And winter too (Christmas tree farm, Polar Express, etc.). I’m not the biggest Lyle Lovett fan, but I love Robert Earl Keen. I’m sure it was an entertaining show! Maybe I would like Lyle Lovett more if I saw him in person. Live shows always seem to change my opinion. I can’t wait to see your fall photos! We really need to take ours! Glad you guys had a great weekend!!

  19. I just adore those darling photos of your girl (in the bed?).. so precious! Sprinkles make everything better don't they? You've reminded me that it's been far too long since I've made my kids homemade waffles.

    1. Thank you. Yes, she was snuggling down in our bed in our master bedroom in those pictures. She looked so cute playing hide n seek that I couldn't resist snapping a couple of pictures. And I hope you find the time to make some homemade waffles soon! I make them every Saturday because they are a household favorite!

  20. I can't wait to see the family photos!!! I was rooting for Georgia this weekend!!! My husband met and sat next to Lyle Lovett on a plane one time. That is cool that you went to his concert.


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