
Friday, January 11, 2019

Five on Friday - January Goals

Are you sick of goals posts yet?  I’ve been flooding you with them this week!  Haha.  Did you see my New Year’s Goals post yesterday for 2019?  If you missed it, you may want to review it.  I have decided to start doing monthly goals posts for 2019 and that original post will set the tone for these monthly posts.  You can also read about my word for 2019 and why I chose it.  It’s probably a little crazy to some, but hey, I’ve never claimed to be normal.  ;o) 

Anyhoo, my first monthly goals post EVER is here, and here’s what I want to accomplish in January…


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Plan all goals for 2019.
Do my planner prep work for 2019.
Get all to-do lists (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.) organized and come up with a system to use them to keep my mind clutter free
Catch up One Line a Day books for Jacob and Olivia.  I’m so behind.
Organize List Master (phone app)


Drink 4 thermoses of water most days.
Eat an apple most days.
Get back to the gym after a three-week break.
Eat less sugar overall.
Moisturize my neck and chest every day. 
Get SI joint/piriformis muscle injections for back pain.
Visit allergist to discuss steps for maintaining.
Visit GI specialist to discuss steps for maintaining.


Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. 
Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids.
Go to a UGA basketball game and have a day of fun in Athens/Atlanta.
Have a family game night.
Label everything that they take to school.
Start planning Valentine’s Day.
Start planning Olivia’s birthday.
Book hotel for annual beach trip.
Try a new restaurant.
Get Jacob registered for soccer.


Schedule a meeting to discuss cabinet/entertainment center painting.
Start planning Olivia’s big girl bedroom.
Clean out all Christmas decorations and organize in boxes by zone.
Clean out fridge.
Clean out pantry.
Clean out car and wash.
Clean out play room.
Clean out Jacob’s room.
Clean out Olivia’s room.
Clean out my closet.
Start cleaning out office.
Photograph, toss, and organize keepsake school papers from first half of school year.
Back up computer files.
Do 20 things on Master To-Do list.


Plan main content for the entire year – link-ups, posts I do every week, etc.
Plan all content for January and February.
Work ahead on blog posts so I’m not writing a post every single day.
Start working on one post for the summer.
Take 5-6 pictures for Instagram.
Co-host a giveaway on Instagram.
Share all of my cleaning out and decluttering on Instagram Stories.
Pitch to three different brands.

These goals seem pretty lofty, but if I’m going to achieve my overall goal for the year, I’m going to have to get down and dirty these next few months.  I’ll back off all of the weeks that the kids are home (spring break, summer, fall break, etc.), and then November and December will be consumed by holiday prep, so I really only have seven-ish good months to get stuff done.

Time to start checking things off the list, y’all!  Follow along with me today on Instagram Stories!  Happy Friday!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Wow! That is a lot! But I know you can get it done! I’m loving watching you declutter on IG stories. Good Luck. My boys are going to the UGA basketball game on Tuesday night!

  2. I know you’ll achieve whatever you put your mind and heart in! These are awesome! Happy Friday xo

  3. I have a few of the same goals -- we can do this!!

  4. Such a good idea to list each goal separately to cross off as you accomplish! You can totally do this!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement! It always makes me want to keep it up when people tell me stuff like that!

  5. You are so ambitious! I love it! I'm also going to try to hit the gym (or workout at home) 3x per week this year.

    1. Yes I am. January is usually when I'm at my peak so I'm hitting it hard. Haha. I'm sure it'll fizzle a bit as the year goes on.

  6. Your lists make me feel lazy! haha! but seriously, I love watching your decluttering stories on instagram! They've definitely motivated me on a few occasions!

  7. This makes me tired just reading it, but so much of this is on my goal list for the next few months too.

  8. You are such a good list maker! This is a lofty list but I know you got this! Happy weekend!

  9. I definitely need to drink more water, eat less sugar too. I need to work on some blog goals too.

  10. I know a lot of these are from your year list but WOW. Good luck! And I need to drink more water too!

  11. The only goal post I’m sick of is the one that booted Da Bears from the playoffs.

  12. Looking forward to your monthly goals. I always like your daily list on instastories!

  13. I love goal posts so much! Good luck with them!!


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