
Friday, August 16, 2019

Five on Friday – The Best Decorative Books

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Books.  One of my favorite things in the whole world.  I have had an obsession with books since I was old enough to hold one, and I started reading at an early age and never stopped.  To this day, I still don’t use a Kindle or any other kind of e-reader because I just can’t give up my beloved books.  There’s nothing like a book, truly – the smell of them, the way they fit in your hands, the feel of the paper between your fingers.  I love them.  In my list of happy places, the library and cozy bookstores rank pretty high.  I feel immediately at peace when I walk into one of them. 

In addition to loving books for reading, I also love to decorate with them.  They make for some truly unique decorations and you can pretty much always find something perfect to fit in with the décor or theme in any room.

Today I’m going to share a few of my favorite decorative books for different areas of your house.  And if you want to see the entire list, click here for my Amazon Storefront.

O N E – Living Area

The living area is one of the easiest rooms to decorate with books because you can decorate with pretty much any genre.  I personally love organizational and home improvement books, books about the media (musicians, TV shows, etc.), art books, and home decorating books. 


Monet by Vanessa Potts
All in Good Taste by Kate Spade
Elements of Style by Erin Gates
New York in Color by Nichole Robertson
Paris in Love by Nichole Robertson
Paris in Color by Nichole Robertson
The Year of Cozy by Adrianna Adarme
Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
Pottery Barn Bedrooms by Pottery Barn
Hindsight by Justin Timberlake

I also love decorating with books that contain sentimental value.  The top three books in the picture below belonged to my late grandfather in the 1950’s and the children’s bible belonged to my grandmother who is now in a nursing home.  My grandfather wrote a few notes in his and I love that I’ll have his handwriting forever and ever.  It’s like having a little piece of him with us even though he’s gone.  <3

T W O – Kitchen

In the kitchen, I typically decorate with books about food and entertaining, and, of course, recipe books are a fantastic way to add a fun pop in any corner.  We also have a bar cart in the kitchen, so any kind of mixed drinks recipe books work well in the kitchen as well.


Whole Bowls by Allison Day
Crumb by Ruby Tandoh
Hip Sips by Lucy Brennan
Celebrate by Lauren Conrad
Summer Cocktails by Maria del Mar Sacasa
Love & Lemons by Jeanine Donofrio
Home Baked by Yvette van Boven
Brew by Brian W. Jones

T H R E E – Bedroom/Closet

In the bedroom it’s all about the beauty and fashion books since that’s where I keep all of my makeup and clothing, and it’s where I get ready every day.  I also keep the current novel I’m reading on my nightstand.  The bedroom is also a great place to keep any books that you and your significant other may read together, like The Five Love Languages. 


Beauty by Lauren Conrad
Vogue: The Covers by Dodie Kazanjian
Style by Lauren Conrad

F O U R – Office

My home office is where I do all of my quiet time, so this makes the perfect space to display all of my devotionals and self-improvement books.  I keep a stack of them on the side table next to my reading chair since I read from them every day.  I also keep my Emily Ley Simplified Planner displayed on my desk since I use it throughout the day.


Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Jesus Always by Sarah Young
100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs
Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley
Everybody Always by Bob Goff
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

And I would be remiss if I didn’t share my wall-to-wall bookshelves in my office… this is where I store all of the rest of my books, mostly novels, and it’s one of my favorite spaces in our entire house! 

F I V E – Seasonal

And finally, perhaps my favorite category in this whole post… the holiday books!  I decorate our whole house for most of the holidays, especially for fall and Christmas, and I always include books as part of the holiday décor. 


Platters & Boards by Shelly Westerhausen (not technically a holiday book but it screams fall to me!)
Purely Pumpkin by Allison Day
Festive Cocktails (couldn't find it online)
Holiday Cookies by Elisabet der Nederlanden
Soup Nights by Betty Rosbottom

And finally, before I go, here are a few tips for decorating with books:

  1. Follow the Rule of Three when grouping… most items look best in groups of three.
  2. Use books to add height to other pieces when your creating vignettes.
  3. Group spines together that are pleasing to the eye.
To see my entire list of decorative books, check out my Amazon Storefront here!

As always, here are a few Friday funnies... this time book related to keep with the book theme in today's post.  ;o)

Brian knows this face all too well.  Hahahaha.

But seriously.
And finally, here's what happened on the blog this week in case you missed it...

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Polka-Dotty Place for High Five for Friday.


  1. So many pretty books!!! I SO want that Countdown to Christmas one!

  2. I love decorating with beautiful books and displaying them. I spied several I have too. What fun. Have a beautiful weekend sweets!

  3. I just love books! I always have one on me.... But I rarely think to decorate with them. I'm going to have to change that.

    1. Yes, you definitely should! They are truly one of my favorite things to decorate with... so many possibilities!

  4. Books are a great thing to decorate with! I love using older ones that have sentiment, too.

  5. I love how you decorate with books! This is a great post!

  6. I want some of these.

  7. I love all of these decorative books. I need to add more into my house.

  8. That platters book screams fall to me as well! I love the rule of three, looks like it serves your house well! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  9. Love, love, love using books to decorate! I held out using my Kindle for a long time, but have grown to love it. It's so handy to travel with and cuts down on the weight of my bag. Hard to admit, but with my aging eyes I can make the font bigger so I can see it better.

  10. Such great ideas! Love your beautiful photos, too.

  11. Decorating with books sounds really a great idea, Need to try this out. Thanks for joining us in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew

  12. Love how your decorate with books!


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