
Friday, October 4, 2019

Five on Friday - October Goals

It seems like just yesterday that I started writing my very first goals post back in January, and now here we are, writing October goals. How is that possible?  Every year gets faster and faster, I tell ya.  Before we can get to the October goals, we need to see how I did in September!

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

September Goals


Y  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – Y’all, after suffering from more worry and anxiety than ever this year, I finally feel like I’ve gotten a grasp on it.  Meditating and quiet time have done a world of good for me and I’ve really started learning to let go and give it to God more.  I’m still a work in progress and I plan to elaborate on this eventually on the blog, but for now I’m just going to revel in the glory of my newfound lightheartedness and pray that I can make it last.  Turns out that facing your worries/anxiety head on also helps with other things… I feel like kindness and patience have come much more easily to me now that I’m not feeling so frustrated and smothered by worry.
Y  Continue quiet time/meditating. – I did this religiously this month, only missing two days when we were out of town for the Georgia game.  It has done such good things for me that I’ll be continuing this until the end of time.
N  Make bed most days. – I probably only made the bed about half of the time this month, but that’s okay.  Monday – Friday I’m not really in my bedroom very much so it doesn’t bother me that it’s unmade.
Y  Make it to at least one bible study. – I not only made it to one, I made it to TWO!  And this in conjunction with my meditation and quiet time with my devotional has really helped me so much.
Y  Have a girls dinner. – We made it out for Mex and margs to celebrate my friend, April’s, birthday and we had the best time catching up!


Y  Drink 64 oz. water per day. – I achieved this goal almost every single day this past month.  I’ve been so good about it.
Y  Hit the gym at least 2 times per week. – Made it two times every week the whole month!
Y  Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days. – Yep, still making my green smoothie most days, eating an apple almost every day, and also still incorporating other veggies like carrots, spinach, and green beans with my lunches.
Y  Meet with dentist for TMJ update. – Met with him and he has decided to start spreading my appointments further apart since I’m doing so well.
Y  Meet with GI doc for reflux update. – Met with him and he switched my reflux med to see if it works better than my current med.
Y  Annual womens well visit. – Met with her for my annual check-up and all is well!
Y  Annual skin check at the dermatologist. – Met with her and got a clean bill of health for another year!
Y  Schedule appt with new doc to assess health issues since I can’t get answers. – All of my paperwork is filled out and in their system and now I’m waiting (not so) patiently for them to call with my first appointment. 


N  Ride bikes if the weather hopefully cools off. – The weather never cooled off.  In fact, it got even hotter, so we didn’t even consider doing this.  #NotMyFault
Y  Watch Jacob play baseball! – He’s played in several games now and we’re really enjoying watching him do his thang!  He’s improved so much in the short amount of time he’s been playing.
Y  Attend Home & School meeting for spring event. – Check!
Y  Attend Home & School meeting for fall carnival and start planning. – Check!  And planning is underway!
Y  Attend the Georgia vs. Notre Dame college football game in Athens!!!! – Oh yes, and it was one of my favorite games to date!  We had too much fun!
Y  Take Olivia for her quarterly thyroid check-up, take 2. – Yes, and we got good news!  Her cyst has officially stabilized (meaning that it hasn’t grown any in the last 3 months) so the doc allowed us to spread our appointments further apart.
Y  Research restaurants to book for Disney World trip and pass along to our agent. – Yes!  Our table service reservations have been booked!


Y  Get house decorated for fall. – Yes, and it’s my favorite year for decorations yet!
Y  Clean out fall decorations. – Got this done, too, and got rid of lots of stuff!
Y  Sort all clothes to sell by season/gender/sizes and list more on Poshmark. – Got this done and uploaded lots of items!
Y  Sell old Halloween costumes. – Tried to sell and nobody wanted them, so I donated them instead.
Y  Donate home décor items that haven’t sold on Facebook Market. – I ended up not selling much on FB Market so I just took them to our local outreach center instead.
Y  Do 10 things on Master To-Do list. – I actually did 12 things on my list this month!  I organized some pictures on my computer, made a couple more music play lists in iTunes that I’ve been wanting to make, updated my list of things to do for each blog post, cleaned out my Amazon wish list and split them into four different ones so it’s easier to find stuff (books, clothes, kids, other), amended an old blog post to include some info I’d forgotten, and a few other things.  I also didn’t add anything new to the list this month, so that’s good, too!


Y  Get ahead on blog posts. – Even though I didn’t get as far along as I wanted, I did start working on a couple of posts for December, so it’s a start!
Y  Work on some housecleaning stuff for blog. – Yes, I cleaned up a few things on the backside, but there’s still so much I want to do.
Y  Pitch to 2-3 brands. – I pitched to three and I’m just waiting to hear back.  Fingers crossed!
N  Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post. – Sure didn’t.  Sigh.  Still not motivated to do this for some reason…
N  Start focusing on essential oils business since I still use and love them all the time. – Nope, but I’m hoping to get started soon.


27 items accomplished
4 items not accomplished

Pretty good considering how busy we are right now!  Ready for some pictures of my accomplishments?

Meditation and quiet time in action.
Burning those calories at the gym!

Georgia vs. Notre Dame game... my FAVORITE accomplishment this month!  ;o)

Pulling out the fall decor!
House all decorated for fall!
Now for the October goals…

October Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Continue quiet time/meditating.
Make it to as many weekly bible studies as I can.
Continue the library book that I started a month ago.
Lunch with an old co-worker.


Drink 64 oz. water per day.
Hit the gym at least 2 times per week.
Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days.
Annual mammogram.
Meet with new doc to assess health issues assuming I get an appointment.
Get my flu shot.


Ride bikes if the weather hopefully cools off, take 2.
Get Disney app set up and customize magic bands.
Take kids for their flu shots.
Start focusing on Christmas shopping and gathering ideas.
Watch all of our favorite fall & Halloween movies.
Visit a pumpkin patch or cotton field.
Carve pumpkins.
Start planning for fall family photos.
Decide whether or not to do Friendsgiving, and if so, pick a date.
Attend our school’s big rivalry football game.
Attend Jacob’s first field trip of the year.
Annual mountain trip with my faves and experience some new things!!!!
Celebrate 10 YEARS in our home.
Attend Home & School meeting for October.
Attend alumni social and homecoming football game at school.
Celebrate my niece’s first birthday!
See Ray LaMontagne in Atlanta!!!!
Finish planning Fall Carnival and round up all sponsorship donation prizes.
Attend Olivia’s first field trip of the year (if I can get away from Fall Carnival setup).
Setup for and attend the school fall carnival.
Attend Olivia’s class Halloween party.
Make a festive, spooky dinner prior to trick-or-treating.


Get ALL kids clothes listed on Poshmark.
Set up new planner for 2020.
Do 7 things on Master To-Do list.


Complete 1-2 blog posts for December. 
Pitch to 2-3 brands.
Take photos for IG, take 3.
Share more on oils Instagram account.

Well, I guess you can see where my priorities are in October… FAMILY TIME!!!!  Amen! 

As always, here are the Friday funnies…

Anyone else?!  I think that's why I talk so little on my Instagram Stories.  I cringe when I hear my own voice.  


Why does this legit happen to me?!

Hahahaha.  YES!  

Every. Single. Time.  It's terrible.

And ICYMI, here’s what happened on the blog this week! 

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Della Devoted for High Five for Friday.


  1. You knocked out of the park in September!!! You have to share your ways of worrying less - I so need that! October is going to be another good month, I just know it. All the fun things with family and the season - doesn't get much better!

  2. You are so awesome at accomplishing goals. Hooray for a family focused month of October!

  3. You are always crushing it with your goals! I love it. What a great month for you! So many fun moments. Hope you have a great first weekend of October!

  4. You are amazing and I’m so proud of you for trying to stay more positive, it really makes a difference! Have a fabulous Friday beautiful girl!

  5. Way to take on your goals! And you had a lot of them! Happy Friday!

  6. You did an awesome job on your goals. Not completing 4 is great. I rarely make my bed either. Have a great weekend!

  7. Look at all those Yeses!! That's fantastic. I too find that it feels like the time goes by faster and faster each year.

    1. It truly does. I wish there was a way to slow it down.

  8. Great job on the home and health! I read something on Apartment Therapy that it isn't good for your bed to make it everyday. I always do the most random things when on the phone too, that made me giggle. Have a nice weekend!

  9. Way to go on the goals! I had to laugh on the bike riding because YES it is still so hot! And I know what you mean about trying to sell stuff. I think people can get such bargains nowadays they don't look to buy used as much. Have a wonderful weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  10. I love your October Goals so very much. My goals this month are centered around family, too. Oh and that meme of the guy on the phone with the broom - OMG! Yes!!! I can soooo relate. It definitely made me chuckle!


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