
Friday, February 7, 2020

Five on Friday - February Goals

It seems like I was posting about my January goals and now here we are, already posting about February’s.  Before we get into February’s goals, let’s see how I did in January…

As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

January Goals


Y  Worry, rush, and complain less, live in the present and choose joy. – I think this might have been my best month for this yet.  Granted, it was a pretty good month overall so I wasn’t challenged a lot, but I’m hoping to keep this up.
Y  Be positive, confident, and kind. – I was very mindful of these each of the times I was outside my comfort zone and I think I did well with it.
Y  Movie night with Momma. – We saw Little Women and I really enjoyed it.
Y  Text two friends I haven’t talked to in a while just because. – Sure did!
Y  Lunch with old coworkers. – I actually went to lunch twice with old coworkers, one of whom I hadn’t seen in months.
Y  Attend bible study (assuming we resume this month). – We did resume and I was able to attend both that we had this month!
Y  Help out with raffle ticket data entry at kids’ school. – I was able to help out with this three times!
Y  Attend Home & School Association meeting for January.
Y  Attend the school spring event meeting. – I attended two!
Y  Get outside and walk with Maui while the kids are at school at least twice. – Did this twice!
Y  Put phone away each evening before dinner until after kids are in bed. – Did this almost every evening!
Y  Stop scrolling through phone in public and interact with others more. – Yep!  I’ve barely used my phone at ballet and, instead, I’ve been talking with all of the other moms more.
Y  Read Emily Ley’s book When Less Becomes More. – Yessss and it was so good that I blew through it.  I couldn’t put it down.
Y  Start making a list of special things I can do for others.


Y  Meditate every single day of the month. – I meditated every single day… did not miss one day!
Y  Quiet time every single day of the month. – Same!!
Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days.
Y  Work out at least three times per week (gym/walk around neighb/stair stepper).
Y  Have a check-up at the allergist.
Y  Visit with therapist at least two times.


Y  Hang out with kids after dinner every evening. – Some evenings we did organized activities and some evenings I just watched them play.  I’m starting to like “wasting” time!
Y  Don’t be so hard on the kids/don’t sweat the little things.
Y  Make at least two Whole 30 meals for dinner. – I made Rosemary Balsamic Sheet Pan Chicken with Bacon and Apples one evening and Sheet Pan Bruschetta Chicken with Butternut Squash another evening.  Both were very good.
Y  Book fast passes for Disney World trip.
Y  Get kids to practice riding bikes without training wheels as much as possible. – Only did this once, but we did get the training wheels removed from their bikes and had them ride without the training wheels for the first time, so we’re making progress!
N/A  Attend a UGA basketball game.Well, we had tickets to one and we were really looking forward to it, but unfortunately, Jacob ended up having baseball tryouts the same day so we had to sell our tickets.  Since it was out of our control, I’m just crossing this one off the list.
Y  Schedule Olivia’s six-year well-visit at the doctor.
Y  Sign Jacob up for baseball for spring season.


Y  Photograph kids’ art from first half of year and file papers to keep.
Y  Clean out front room – game cabinet/side table.
Y  Clean out living room – entertainment center/coffee table/side tables. 
Y  Clean out play room – bins/shelves.
Y  Clean out refrigerator.
Y  Clean out pantry.
Y  Clean out master closet. – Got rid of 30 tops, 6 bottoms, 6 pairs of shoes and boots, 3 handbags, 2 necklaces, and 2 old shoe boxes!
Y  List 3 large items for sale on Facebook. – All 3 were listed and 2 are sold and gone!  Just need that last item to sell! 
Y  Start researching vehicles.
Y  Complete 3 things on Master To-Do list. – I ended up doing 5 things on my list, plus I went through and deleted 4 other items that were no longer applicable, so 9 items were removed from the list this month.  I blew this goal out of the water and I feel like I didn’t even have to try.  A few of the things I accomplished was that I bought the last book to complete my vignette on our DVD dresser, I labeled all of our holiday decorations boxes (some were already labeled but a lot of them weren’t), B got a new desk chair for me for my office, I cleaned off my computer desktop, and I got a pillow for the chair in my office… and the best part is that I shopped my own house so I didn’t have to spend any money!  We already had it on hand and it wasn’t in use.
Y  Decorate for Valentine’s Day. 
Y  Start preparing for Valentine’s Day. – The kids picked out their Valentine’s cards and treats to give out at school, we bought the teacher’s gifts, I bought cards for B and the kids, and I’ve started looking around for little gifts to give each of them.
N  Start researching condos for beach trip.


Y  Get caught up on content after taking a break last month.
Y  Plan blog content for first quarter.
Y  Instagram – giveaway.


42 items accomplished
1 item not accomplished

Monthly Stats

Books Read: 1
    When Less Becomes More – Emily Ley

Meditation Days: 31

Pictures of My Successes

My longest streak yet!

Movie night with my favorite lady!

Walking around the neighborhood with Maui

Reading When Less Becomes More

One of my favorite readings from January's quiet time.
Gym time!
Whole 30 meal 1

Whole 30 meal 2
Bike riding
SUV research 
Cleaning out my closet

Now for the February goals…

February Goals


Worry, rush, and complain less, live in the present and choose joy.
Be positive, confident, and kind and don’t sweat the little things.
Attend the annual benefit ball for our school with B.
Go on one other date night with B.
Attend bible study.
Attend February Book Club (assuming baseball doesn’t get in the way).
Attend the Home & School Association meeting for February.
Attend the school spring event meeting(s).
Celebrate Grandparents Day at the kids’ school (volunteer).
Have a mommy/son date night.
Meet a girlfriend for lunch.
Get outside and walk with Maui while the kids are at school.
Do something special for kids for the first two weeks of February for Valentine’s Day.
Continue putting the phone away each evening before dinner until after kids are in bed.
Hang out with kids after dinner every evening.
Host a Super Bowl get together at our house.
Start reading a new self improvement book.

Find a couple of new healthy lunches (for me) to throw into the rotation.
Meditate most days.
Quiet time most days.
Drink 64 oz. water most days.
Work out at the gym twice per week.
Try out a new machine at the gym.
Find an essential oil to use during my meditations.
Organize my prayer list.
Continue visiting with therapist.
Experiment with my hair and find a new way to style it.


Make two more Whole 30 meals for dinner.
Finalize Disney plans.
Get kids to practice riding bikes without training wheels as much as possible.
Attend a UGA basketball game, take 2.
Finish preparing for Valentine’s Day.
Celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Prepare for Brian’s birthday.
Celebrate Brian’s birthday.
Prepare for Olivia’s birthday.
Celebrate Olivia’s birthday
Apply for scholarship for Olivia.
Utilize hot thermoses more for kids’ lunches.
Haircuts for Jacob and Olivia.
Get Dave Matthews Band tickets for their summer tour.


Clean out kitchen cabinets/bar cart.
Clean out closet under stairs.
Clean out my dresser
Clean out my night stand.
List more clothes on Poshmark.
Start test-driving vehicles.
Complete 3 things on Master To-Do list.
Research condos for beach trip, take 2.


Complete one post for Spring Break.
Complete one post for summer.
Start working on 2020 Recap (yes, I work on it all year so it’s less work at the end).
Take 3 pictures for Instagram.

Friday Funnies

Me on our neighborhood Facebook page earlier this week watching two of our neighbors go at it.

This was never me because I never waited til the last minute, but I can bet this was Brian...

The only reason I watch.

Hahahaha.  Don't bother momma on her night out.
Literally me on the right with my rescue inhalers everywhere.  Hahahaha.

Wash your filthy hands.

On the Blog This Week

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Della Devoted for High Five for Friday.


  1. You knocked your January goals out of the park! Way to go!

  2. WOW! You crushed January's goals! Good Job!

  3. Wow, you accomplished almost all of your goals! That's amazing!

  4. I just need you to know that if my goal list was that long, I would FAIL. You are on top of things!!

  5. Well you crushed it in January!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Girl, you are amazing! You are making lists and taking names and getting it done girlfriend!

  7. Yes, wash your filthy hands! Ha. I've been saying this to everyone in the house all week (just in a nicer gentler way). You did amazing on your goals!!

    1. Hahahaha. Yes! Me too. These dang germs are everywhere! And thank you! This was probably my best month yet!

  8. Girl you are just amazing at crushing your goals! I have that same old Navy heart sweatshirt and now I need to read that book. Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. You rocked the goals. I'm putting When Less Becomes More on my library list. Thanks for the recommendation. Laughed out loud at that JLo meme!

  10. LOVED your Friday Funnies. I related to them all! Also kudos to you killing your goals.


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