
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

This is Nine… Jacob’s Birthday Interview

Another year has come and gone, and our first baby will be nine tomorrow.  That is just impossible to believe.  I’ve been interviewing him since he turned four, and his answers get more and more mature every year.  Gone are the days of him speaking gibberish and goofing off!  Well, almost… I suppose he did get a little goofy toward the end of this interview, so there’s that. 

Here’s the interview from July 19, 2020

1.    What is your favorite toy?  “My favorite toy is… LEGOS!”  (Truth.  It’s all he ever wants.)
2.    What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “Ummmm… it’s Chuck.”  (The stuffed toy train that my sister-in-law made for him when he was a baby.  He usually responds with one of the stuffed dinosaurs that my brother gave him when he was a baby, so this answer surprised me.  He does love Chuck, though!)
3.    What is your favorite game?  “Mmmm, Surprise Slides!”  (The Frozen 2 game we’ve all been playing a lot lately.)
4.    What is your favorite sport?  “Um, baseball.”
5.    What is your favorite book?  “Hmmm, that’s a hard one.  5,000 Awesome Facts!”  (This is the third year in a row that he’s said this!  He adores that book.)
6.    What is your favorite TV show?  “Um, Voltron.”
7.    What is your favorite movie?  “That’s a hard one… there are a lot to pick from.  Wall-E.”  (Wow, didn’t see that one coming.  We did just watch that for the first time the night before last so it’s fresh in his mind.)
8.    What is your favorite song?  “Ummmm, hmmmm… this is a hard one.  Lego Movie 2.”  (They do love that soundtrack.)
9.    What is your favorite band or singer?  “That is going to be very hard.  I don’t know any of the names of singers.”  Me: “You do, too!”  Jacob: “Ed Sheeran.”  (We do all love us some Ed.)
10. What is your favorite holiday?  “Um, Christmas!”
11. What is your favorite season?  “FALL!”  (Without hesitation, and the same answer he gave last year… I can’t blame him.)
12. What is your favorite color?  “Mmmm red.”
13. What is your favorite animal?  “Um, sabertooth.”  Me: “Sabertooth??”  Him: “Mmhm.”  (Okay, that was totally out of left field.)
14. What is your favorite shirt?  “Mmmm, I don’t really have a favorite shirt.  I usually just pick any athletic shirt.”  (Truth.  This boy would live in athletic attire every day if we’d let him.  He whines every single time he has to put on a polo or a button-down shirt.)
15. What is your favorite fruit?  “Um, strawberries.”
16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “I don’t like vegetables.”  Me: “NOOOO.”  Jacob: “Hahahaha.”  (Unfortunately, he’s not wrong.  He will eat broccoli, carrots, and sweet potatoes, but only when we make him.)
17. What is your favorite snack?  “Um, Oreos.”  Me: “You don’t eat Oreos for a snack.”  Jacob: “Fruit snacks.”
18. What is your favorite treat?  “Lemon cake.”  (Truth.  He requested one for his birthday.)
19. What is your favorite drink?  “Mmmm, lemonade.” 
20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Um, hot dog and macaroni and cheese.” 
21. What is your favorite restaurant?  “Hmmmm… Five Guys!”  (This boy loves a burger!)
22. Who is your best friend?  “Julian!” 
23. What makes you feel happy?  “You, Olivia, Maui, and Daddy.”  (In that order?  Hahahaha, Brian.)
24. What makes you feel sad?  “Um, hmmmm… having a nightmare!!”  (He said this very goofily… nightmares don’t seem to ever bother him.  Eye roll.)
25. What are you afraid of?  “Um… zombie businessmen.”  Me: “Zombie businessmen??  Do you know of any of those?”  Jacob: “Yeah, it’s basically a zombie that carries a suitcase and wears a suit like a businessman.  And he also carries a newspaper.”  Me: “Where did you see something like that??”  Jacob: “I dunno.  There’s a Lego character that’s a zombie businessman.”  (Lol, y’all.  Can’t make this stuff up.  And I died at “suitcase” instead of “briefcase.”)
26. What are you thankful for?  “Um, hmmmm… my family, my house, and my pet.” 
27. What are you really good at?  “Art!”  (He’s not wrong!)      
28. What is your best memory?  “Disney World!!”  (Second year running.  I’m so sad we didn’t get to take them again this year.)
29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  “Scientist, artist, or employee at Disney World!”  (Third year running on the Disney employee.)
30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “Mmmm, to get more wishes.”  Me: “What?  That’s lame.”  Jacob: “Hahahaha.”  Me: “But seriously, though…”  Jacob: “No for real, MORE WISHES!  I’d wish for more wishes!”  (And then I guess he’d never use them??  Haha.)

Happy almost birthday, sweet Boo!

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  1. Happy birthday! He reminds me a lot of Zachary. I am afraid of zombie businessmen too! lol.

  2. HAppy Birthday to Jacob! I remember Ian playing with LEGOS all the time too! He loved them. But nothing is worse than stepping on a lego in the middle of the night! Man those things hurt!

  3. Happy birthday to Jacob! What a sweet boy!

  4. Happy 9th Birthday to Jacob! I'm an Ed Sheeran fan too. We love him in our house. We've been to two of his concerts and he puts on quite a show. Definitely a concert worth attending!

  5. Aww Happy Birthday to him! So sweet <3

  6. An employee at Disney World. Love it. I love reading these answers. It is so cute to see how much kids have changed over the years. Happy 9th Birthday Jacob! He looks so grown up in those pictures.

  7. He’s so precious! You tell Jacob that “9” is a very good number!!

  8. Happy birthday to your son Jacob!

  9. SO sweet!! His answers remind me a lot of my boys when they were younger. My husband used to joke that we should have bought stock in Lego.

    1. Oh man, I feel ya! That boy has more Legos than we know what to do with! Such a childhood staple!

  10. He is just adorable - that scrunched bose photo and freckles! :)) So impressive that he is good at and enjoys art - it would be a wonderful career or hobby for life. And yay for Ed Sheeran! Hope you all had a great day.

    1. Aw thank you. His freckles are one of my most favorite things. And yes, we love Ed!! B and I have seen him in concert twice and he puts on an amazing show!


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