
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What I Ordered from Amazon in May 2019

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

It’s that time again where I let you take a little peek into our Amazon account to see what we purchased in the previous month.  I have lots of goodies to share with you even though this past month was actually kind of light.  Here’s what I purchased from Amazon in the month of May.

Pop Socket

I have been using a Pop Socket on the back of my phone for the past couple of years and I love it.  For some reason, my last one didn’t last very long this time around, so I ordered another one.  I had originally thought about ordering a gingham one, but it was no longer in stock (and also didn't match my phone case very well), so I ended up just going with this one that I’ve had since the beginning.

Pink Bubble Mailers

I send a fun little package to anyone who joins Young Living via my link, so I purchased these adorable bubble mailers to send the goodies in.

Roller Bottles

Wool Dryer Balls

We are cutting out as many chemicals in our house as we can, and one of the very worst things to have in the house is dryer sheets.  They’re filled with chemicals that have been linked to horrible ailments/deformities/issues in human beings.  Instead of using dryer sheets, we’ll be using these wool dryer balls with a couple of drops of essential oils on them to freshen up our clothes instead.  I use lavender on our sheets and it makes for the dreamiest night of sleep.  The dryer balls also cut your drying time down by significant proportions, so I’m a fan!

Business Card Holder

I finally designed and printed business cards for my blog after all these years, and I grabbed these super cheap acrylic holders to display them in my office.

Wire Displays

I bought this set of two mini displays to hold some of the goodies that I send in my fun mail to people who sign up through my Young Living link!

Lavanila Natural Deodorant

As I stated in a previous post, I recently made the switch to natural deodorant.  I’ve been using Native and loving it, but sadly, it leaves white marks on my clothes which I don’t like.  I read several different reviews from some of my favorite bloggers, and I’ve decided to try Lavanila.  I really wanted to try Primally Pure, but I just can’t bring myself to pay that much for deodorant since you can only purchase it directly from their website and shipping is ridiculous.  Anyhoo, supposedly Lavanila is just as good as Primally Pure and it doesn’t leave white marks, so I’ll report back after I’ve used it for a little while!

Ballerina Bun Kit

I had to learn how to make a ballerina bun a couple of weeks ago for Olivia’s dance recital, and I was told to look no further than a bun donut.  So I went to trusty rusty Amazon, and they had the best kit with every single thing that I needed to make the perfect ballet bun – a smoothing comb, the famous bun donut, the bun pins (you can’t use standard bobby pins), plus the net to keep the bun in place.  I used this kit twice during Olivia’s recital weekend and it was PERFECT.  I highly recommend it if you want to learn how to make the perfect ballerina bun.  It’s so easy and I’m sure we’ll be making the most out of this kit all summer, too!

100 Days to Brave

Many, many ladies have recommended this book lately, so I bought it to read when I get back into my morning quiet time routine.  I haven’t been doing it at all lately because I’ve been so busy, but I’m missing it and would like to get back into it soon!

Tooth Keeper – Boys

I mentioned in my post about organizing keepsakes how I’m saving all of our kids’ baby teeth after they fall out.  Well, apparently I’m not the only weirdo who does this, because there are so many different tooth keepers on Amazon.  I bought this one for Jacob and it is AWESOME.

Tooth Keeper – Girls

And yes, I got the girl version for Olivia, too!

Child Hangers

I swear, Olivia eats hangers or throws them in the trash or something.  They just disappear!  I bought this set of 25 and I’m hoping we’ll have enough now to last us until she can start using regular adult hangers in a few years!

And if you’re new around here and you’re curious to see what else we’ve ordered in past months, here you go!

Happy Tuesday!

*Linking up with The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases


  1. Olivia must eat hangers or throw them in the trash...haha hilarious. :) I feel like you always have such great Amazon finds. I was thinking about getting that 100 days to brave book too - can't wait to hear how you like it!

  2. I love my wool balls! And you know how much I LOVE 100 Days to Brave!

  3. I love my Popsocket. I use the wool balls too (and put lavender oil on them). I have the same bubble mailers in blue for my R+F business. Yay for Amazon!!!

  4. OOh I need some wool dryer balls! I am going to check out that book too. My amazon cart is full, I need to pull the trigger on some stuff!

  5. I am a sucker for these posts! I love to see what everyone is purchasing on Amazon! I love ordering rollerballs on Amazon! So many choices and great prices.

  6. Awesome finds. We just got a new Popsocket for Gabbie too. I love the one you chose!

  7. I fully admit that there is not way I could have kept my kids baby teeth. I never even wanted to see them when they were loose. I always had my kids wrap the tooth in a tissue and put it in a plastic baggie before putting it under their pillow. I get easily grossed out by stuff like that.

    1. Lol. I totally understand what you mean. I cannot pull a loose tooth because it makes me sick. My grandmother has pulled a couple of Jacob's. I don't mind seeing them once they're out, though, but at the same time it is a little weird to keep them. Lol.

  8. Well...those teeth holders are just about the greatest invention ever! love those mailers and they would be perfect for my R+F stuff.

  9. Love your new popsocket, and I have never seen one of those tooth keepers. Great idea. Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road


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