
Friday, January 26, 2024

Five on Friday - The Best Devotional, The Bible Recap, a Fun Card Game, and the Best Product for Zits

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy Friday, y’all!  I hope you’ve had a good week!  We’ve had a lot of rain and dreary days this week, but we’re finally out of the frigid temps and back up in the 60’s and 70’s, so I’m a happy girl!

Before we get started on the favorites for the week, I just wanted to take a moment to let y’all know that I’m currently having some blog comment/email issues.  While I’m seeing all of your comments on the blog, unfortunately, the comments aren’t coming to my email inbox as they usually do, which means that I can’t respond to all of you via email like I typically do.  Until the issue is fixed, I’m responding to all comments directly on the blog, but you won’t be notified unless you check the box on the blog to be notified when you add your comment.  So anyway, please know that I’m not ignoring y’all!  I appreciate all of your comments, I’m reading all of them, and I’m responding on the blog for now until the issue is resolved.  So, keep ‘em coming, and hopefully the issue will be resolved soon! 

Are y’all ready for some favorites?  Let’s go!

O N E – New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp

I have been doing a daily devotional for years, and this is the one I grabbed for 2024.  Y’all, I have read some great devotionals over the years, but this one?  This one takes the cake.  I don’t think I have ever felt so blessed by the words from a devotional as I have this one.  Paul David Tripp is a master writer, and his words are fresh and new every single day.  I feel like some devotionals can be redundant, but somehow, Paul David Tripp has found a way to make each devotional unique, inspiring, touching, and thoughtful.  This may end up going down in history as my favorite devotional ever.  And apparently, I’m not the only one who thinks that as it has 4.9 / 5 stars on Amazon with over 12,000 reviews.  If you are looking for a new devotional for 2024, look no further than this one.  As a matter of fact, it’s so fantastic, I wouldn’t even worry about being behind, because I guarantee you’ll want to go back and read all of the entries you’ve missed so far this year.  You won’t regret it.


T W O – The Bible Recap

I started The Bible Recap last year to get a jump start on it for 2024 (because I knew it wasn’t realistic for me to do this plan in just one year), and, y’all, this is such a great plan/book.  I have read the Bible here and there my entire life, and I studied Genesis and Exodus in great depth in high school freshman religion class, but I’ve never read the Bible from start to finish in the order that the events occurred in history.  I’ve also never done a Bible study to truly learn and understand the Bible as a whole like this one before either. 

First, I read the chapters for the day in my Bible, then I read the two-page spread for the day in my The Bible Recap book, and then I listen to the 6-8 minute Bible Recap video in my Bible app.  All of it has been so informative, and I have learned SO much already.  I am absolutely loving it and I look forward to doing it each day.  The best part is that the days aren’t dated – they’re numbered “Day 1, Day 2,” etc. – so you can start any time.

If you’ve ever wanted a manageable way to read the whole Bible from start to finish, or if you’re just looking to learn more about your Christian faith, this is a fantastic place to start.


T H R E E – Sussed?

On a completely different note, Jacob got this card game for Christmas, and he and Olivia and I finally had the time to play it last week.  There’s minimal setup, it’s easy to understand, and it’s soooo fun to play.  Each round is a great conversation starter, and you learn so much about the people who play with you.  There are actually several different decks, too, with different subjects, so you can change it up from time-to-time.  We have this “Hilarious Everyday Events” deck, and the questions are so fun!  You can play with anywhere between 2-8 players so it’s great for a couple or a big group.  This is one that we’ll be picking up over and over again, I’m sure. 


F O U R – Mighty Patch

Where oh where have these been all my life, y’all?  Last year, I had a zit on my forehead for months – like, literal, actual months – and I couldn’t do anything to get it to go away.  It finally disappeared on its own eventually, but it left a scar, so when I had another one pop up late last year with no sign of leaving, I grabbed these Mighty Patches per a recommendation from a friend.

To use, you just stick one of the clear patches over your zit before you go to bed, and while you sleep, it slowly pulls all of the gunk out.  When you wake in the morning, you can see all of the gunk on the pad, and the zit disappears as quickly as it came.  I have had a couple of very difficult zits that took a couple of nights of using the patches, but overall, these work with one use.  I was talking to my brother’s best friend about them, and she described them as sorcery because they’re just so magical.  Haha.  No wonder they have 4.6 / 5 stars with over 138,000 reviews!!

On a side note, I have no idea why at age 41 I have started getting these monster zits that are trying to stay forever, and it sure is frustrating!


F I V E – Old Photos

A couple of weeks ago, my dad showed these pictures to me at Sunday dinner, and I don’t think I had ever seen them before then!  That’s me when I was about Olivia’s age (8-9-ish) sitting in my dad’s office at his old job.  He was the art director for our local newspaper for 34 years, and I always looooved hanging out at his office because I got to draw and paint at his easel. 

These pictures were definitely a favorite this week because they brought back such sweet memories!  Also – check out my rockin’ side ponytail.  Hahahaha.  If that doesn’t scream 1989/1990 then I don’t know what does! 


Friday Funnies


On the Blog This Week

Valentine's Day Gifts for Kids

Our Week – The One with a Shopping Day, Freezing Weather, and Poker Night

My Ins and Outs for 2024

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. That card game: What fun! And of course your funnies always make me smile!

  2. I may need those zit patches. For me and the kids!

    1. They're great! I wish they'd been around when I was a teenager!

  3. That card game sounds great! I've tried using the mighty patches but they didn't seem to do anything at all (though they nearly match my skin tone so they work great as a permanent concealer! LOL).

    1. Lol, they really do go on invisible!! They're like that for me, too!

  4. That devotional sounds so good! I usually just do the bible app and have it speaking as I'm getting ready in the morning, but I'd love to try and get in the habit of actually reading print. I've done the bible project in the bible app read through the bible in a year, but sometimes I feel like having a recap after reading the chapters would be so helpful. I love those old pictures!

    1. I do love the act of reading the print each day. I never listen to books, although, I feel like I should - I'd get so many more read! And thank you!


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