Well, I’m happy
to say that things are on the up and up in our household! We had a wonderful, wonderful weekend, and it
all kicked off Friday when our prayers were answered. More on that later…
Friday evening
my parents picked up Jacob and brought over pizza since I had pretty much been
through the ringer and was half dead by then.
Haha. They stayed until B got
home and the kids and I were so excited to have him home.
Saturday I spent
the day cleaning and tidying and catching up on the bunches of things that had
gotten neglected during my busy, single-momming week.
We had our
benefit ball Saturday evening, so we got all dolled up and headed out for a
night of good food and dancing with great friends. My red dress that I had longed for didn’t end
up arriving in time, so I decided to go with the sequins. I must say, I’ve never worn a sequin dress
before, but I felt great in it!

The ball kicked
off with a cocktail hour. We grabbed a
couple of drinks from the bar and mingled with friends, old and new. The program started at 7 with dinner. We were seated at a table with my parents and
one other couple. The food was made by
the very best chef in our entire city and everything was amazing. Everyone received a filet and chicken,
potatoes, squash and zucchini, and green beans in some kind of amazing sweet
sauce. I was most excited about the
filet, but it was a bit too undercooked for my taste, so sadly I only had a few
bites of it before giving up. For dessert,
the chef had prepared little chocolate cakes served with whip cream and fresh
blackberries and it was divine.

The program ran
until a little after nine and then it was time to party. We refilled our wine glasses and headed back
to the ballroom for more mingling and some dancing. I haven’t danced that much since my brother’s
wedding a few years ago, and my feet were killing me by the time we left, but
it felt amazing to get out there and
let go after the crappy week that I had last week. We ended up shutting the place down and then
it was time to head home since we knew a certain two year old would be creeping
into our bed in just a couple of short hours.
Sunday morning
was lazy… we ended up laying in the bed until about 8:45 and then we headed
downstairs for breakfast and a little meal prep for the week ahead.
We had lunch
with Brian’s family and then spent the afternoon playing outside. It was pretty chilly this weekend and our
crazy children wanted to play outside without their jackets. Why is it that kids seem to be immune to
extreme temps?
Sunday evening
my parents had a party to go to, so we were on our own for dinner. We ran a couple of errands and then ended the
weekend with breakfast for dinner at Cracker Barrel. B and I got the kids to bed early and he and
I spent the rest of the evening binge-watching some shows since he was gone all
week last week.
Every bit of
the weekend was perfect.
And I want to
say thank you so much to all of you who saw my post last week and prayed for
us. I know I was extremely vague in that
post, but I didn’t want to say too much until we had more information. We had a bit of a scare with Olivia last
week. We took her in for one issue and
the doctor ended up finding an infection, which lead to another potential
serious issue. The doctor was worried
that based on what he was seeing, Olivia could possibly have something
anatomically wrong with her kidneys, so we had to take her for a couple of
different tests at the doctor’s office as well as a visit to the hospital for
an ultrasound so they could take a look.
He gave us some
pretty good odds, saying that we had around an 85% chance that everything would
come back normal and around a 15% chance that something could be wrong. Of that 15% chance, there was a 3% chance
that it was something extremely serious that would require surgery or a
transplant (just NO), and of course, that is all I could focus on all
week. Needless to say, it was a long
week waiting to find out, and I had to go through all of it alone since Brian
was out of town on business.
I took the day
off Thursday for the appointment and Olivia was a total champ at the
ultrasound. She wasn’t one bit amused,
but she didn’t scream or cry either, so we called it a success. And the very best part of this whole story is
that the doctor called back first thing Friday morning to let us know that
everything is totally normal with her kidneys and that her infection has also
cleared! Our prayers were answered in a
big way, and we thank you all so much for thinking of us last week. God heard all of you loud and clear and for
that we are incredibly thankful.
With that, I
think this is where our crappy month is going to finally turn around! Happy Monday, everyone! My babies are healthy so it’s going to be a
great day!