Tuesday, January 28, 2025

This is Me Trying

If you came here today for a weekly update post like usual…OOPS!  My apologies!  We had a lot of snow (for us) last week, and what we thought was going to end up being a day or two off for said snow, ended up being an entire WEEK off. 

It was pure magic, that snow, and I was so grateful for the extra time off with the kids.  Rather than use that time to “be productive” as I usually do, I ended up using that time to play in the snow with the kids, play games, be lazy, and just hang out.  We did do one productive thing – we got the playroom cleaned out – but because I was pretty lazy all week (although, I did keep the blog rolling along), I couldn’t get my weekly post done in time for today.

As you can imagine, I took approximately 84 million pictures on our snow day, and my camera roll is bursting, so I’m taking an extra day to sort through all of those and give the post the attention it deserves… we only get snow once every 5-7ish years, after all.

So, until then, here is a picture of us in our very own winter wonderland in Georgia… and I’m blaming my lack of post today on the snow. 

So proud of myself for leaning into my word for the year so far, too.  ;o)

See you tomorrow for a super-sized SNOW post!

Happy Tuesday, y’all! 


  1. It sounds like you have had a fab time with the kids. You have to make the most of that time. It does look like a winter wonderland.

  2. How fun to have an unexpected week off!

    1. It really was! I was grateful to have the extra time with the kids.

  3. Wasn't it so nice to have nearly 3 weeks in a row off!

    1. It sure was! It was like an extension of Christmas break!

  4. I am so glad y'all got snow! I know the kids were so happy!

    1. They sure were! I was just as excited as they were! Haha.

  5. I can't imagine how it must've felt getting snow in Georgia! Meanwhile, it was warm in Alaska!


  6. The snow looks so pretty, and I bet it was a week to remember.

    1. It most definitely was. I know the kids will remember it always. I'm just so glad that Olivia will finally have some memories of snow. She couldn't remember the last time we had it because she was only three!

  7. Aww, I love this family photo!! So happy you guys got to enjoy the snow that you don't usually get there and sometimes those unexpected weeks where everyone is able to be at home together are so so nice!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week, friend!

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Thank you! Yes, it was a really great, cozy week! I was grateful to have the extra time with the kiddos!

  8. I love y'all spent the time playing and relaxing!

  9. I love snow days with the kids! An entire week is even better!


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