Friday, January 24, 2025

Five on Friday - January Goals

Today I’m recapping my December goals and listing my January goals.  As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals. 

December Goals


Y  Go on a day date with Brian to celebrate our anniversary.

Y  Have a poker night with friends.

Y  Have a Christmas brunch/ornament exchange with my girlfriends.



Y  Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, and affirmations every day.

N  Close all rings on my Apple Watch 15 days. – I only closed them 10 days… I had Covid for 10 days and then was exhausted for the rest of the month from it, so I took it easy in the month of December.

N  Aim to average 8,000/steps per day. – See above.  Lol.  I averaged 6,157/day.

Y  Visit with my therapist.

Y  Finish reading the entire Bible and my Bible Recap!!!!

Y  Start my new Bible recap program for 2025.

Y  Read 1 book. – I read two.



Y  Take Maui for her follow-up at the vet.

Y  Celebrate Maui’s 15th birthday!

Y  Take the kids to see Pentatonix in concert!

Y  Watch Georgia play in the SEC Championship game (from home).

X  See my friend’s kids’ play. – We had to cancel this due to illness.

X  See Usher in concert! – We had to cancel this due to illness.

Y  Take Jacob for his orthodontist consult.

Y  Jacob attend his Velocity Christmas party.

Y  Assist with the Reindeer Run at the kids’ school.

Y  Throw a Christmas party for Olivia’s class.

Y  Celebrate Christmas!

X  Take the kids to see Straight No Chaser in concert! – We had to cancel this due to illness.

Y  Host a New Year’s Eve gathering for family.

Y  Watch all of our favorite Christmas movies.

Y  Drive around and look at Christmas lights.

Y  Visit with Santa.



Y  Take my car to be serviced.

Y  Address, stamp, and mail Christmas cards.

Y  Prep and plan for the Reindeer Run at the kids’ school.

Y  Prep and plan for Olivia’s class party.

Y  Prep and plan for Christmas.

Y  Finish Christmas shopping.

Y  Wrap all gifts.

N  Update album artwork for at least 25 albums in iTunes.

X  Work on alumni relations spreadsheet for the school. – I have been locked out of one of the spreadsheets for months, so this was out of my control.

Y  Follow-up on annual goals and see what’s left to be done.

Y  Take down all Christmas decorations and put away by January 1.

Y  Deep clean the entire house by January 1.

N  List more stuff to sell.

N  Work on at least 1 task on Master To Do List.


Blog/Social Media

N  Try to get ahead on blog posts. – December was filled with illness and other unexpected things, so this was impossible.

Y  Finish Ode to 2024 blog post.

N  Prep Ode to 2025 blog post for next year.

N  Set up editorial calendar for 2025.

N  Choose my word for 2025 and start working on goals.

Y  Post at least 1 Reel.


33 tasks accomplished

9 tasks not accomplished

4 tasks that were canceled / beyond my control


Monthly Stats

Books Read: 2

    Hope in the Dark by Craig Groeschel

    The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose                  

Meditation Days: 31

Rings Closed on Apple Watch:

    Move Ring: 10

    Exercise Ring: 13

    Stand Ring: 31

Workouts Completed: 17

    Barre: 0

    Core Training: 0

    Dance: 0

    High Intensity Interval Training: 0

    Hiking: 0

    Mixed Cardio: 1

    Outdoor Run: 2 (4.04 miles)

    Outdoor Walk: 4 (6.06 miles)

    Pilates: 0

    Pool Swim: 0 (0 yards)

    Stair Stepper: 2

    Strength Training: 4

    Yoga: 4

Time Spent Working Out: 8:31:10 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 1,786

Total Steps This Month: 190,856 (Average: 6,157 / day)


Pictures of My Successes

Apple Watch rings fail

Celebrating Maui's birthday


Day date

Girls Christmas brunch

SEC Champions!!

The reason why a lot of my goals weren't achieved

Jacob's Velocity Christmas party

I finished reading the Bible!

Reindeer Run 2024

My girl's last class Christmas party

Visiting Santa!

Looking at Christmas lights

Celebrating Christmas... about 15 minutes before she went down hard with the flu

Getting all of those Christmas decorations away

New Year's Eve get together at our house!


Now for the January goals…

January Goals


Go on a date with B.

Have dinner with my girlfriends.

Have a poker night with friends.



Meditate, devotional, gratitude journal, prayer journal, and affirmations every day.

Close all rings on my Apple Watch 12 days.  

Aim to average 6,000/steps per day.  

Visit with my therapist.

Get my hair cut and highlighted… finally.

Go to my checkup at the orthodontist.

See my old TMJ dentist to talk to him about my vertigo.

Go to my annual mammogram and ultrasound.

Drop expectations and make margin in each day for downtime.

Read 1 book.



Kids have sleepovers.

Kids go back to school after Christmas break.

Attend Olivia’s second quarter awards ceremony.

Attend the Home and School Advisory Board meeting.

Go to a UGA basketball game.

Jacob get braces.

Attend Jacob’s high school strategy meeting.



Take my car in so they can fix my recall.

Hang acrylic shelves in my office.

Clean out the pantry.

Clean out the fridge.

Clean out my closet.

Clean out the playroom.

Finish One Second a Day video for 2024.


Blog/Social Media

Prep Ode to 2025 blog post for next year.

Set up editorial calendar for 2025.

Choose my word for 2025 and start working on goals.

Post at least 1 Reel.


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

2025 Goals + My Word for the Year

Our Week – The One with a Girls Dinner, a UGA Basketball Game, and a Death in the Family

What I Wore – January 2025

Previous Monthly Goals Posts

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. You did really well with your goals considering December wasn't a great month for you and your family! What lovely photos, apart from the Covid test! Good luck with your goals for this month.

  2. You slayed girl, especially with that meditation! I love all these sweet pictures! Let me say I have been cleaning out organizing and all the drawers/closets/cabinets and I teased to my mom two down only 89 more to go, lol! Happy Weekend

    1. You know I love my meditation! And lol, yes, I totally feel you on that!

  3. I hate that December was filled with sickness and cancelations. I hope January is a lot better!

  4. So hard to cross so much off of your goals with all that sickness going around last month but you really didn't do THAT bad! I'm impressed. Best of luck with January's goals.


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