
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

What I Ordered from Amazon in December 2020

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Well, these posts are so dang popular each month that I thought I’d continue to share them in 2021, so I hope that’s okay with you!  I know I always love stalking everyone else’s Amazon purchases, so I hope you continue to find these helpful. 

The majority of my purchases in December were for other people, but I did grab a couple of things for myself as well…

Affirmation Cards for Women

I’ve actually already mentioned these affirmation cards once here on the blog in a Five on Friday post, but I’m mentioning them again here since I purchased them in December.  2020 was such a heavy year, and I’m determined to make 2021 better no matter what it holds, and in order to do that, I know that it all starts with my mindset.  As you all know, I started meditating daily over a year ago in conjunction with my quiet time with God each day, and I have found both to be so helpful.  After 2020, though, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have an added layer of goodness, so I decided to start doing daily affirmations, too.  I’ve followed Casey Weigand for years on Instagram, and when she released these affirmation cards at the end of 2020 I knew they were meant to be mine.  The artwork is beautiful, and the sentiments are even better, and these would make an excellent gift to yourself or others to get yourself started off with a much-needed positive mindset for the new year. 

2021 Wall Calendar

I’ve had a wall calendar in my room my entire life… in my bedroom growing up, and now in my home office as an adult.  Yes, I know I can just look at my phone or my watch, but I love the convenience of being able to glance up while working to see what I need to see.  I’ve started blogging ahead most of the time, so I’m constantly referring to a calendar, so this baby will be worth every penny.  And it’s really pretty... I love the floral theme! 


Fairy Lights

I bought these fairy lights about a year ago and loved them so much that I’ve used them all over the house.  I also love to use them when staging photos for blog posts, so I was in need of another pack. 


Crayola Big 40 Pack of Washable Markers

When I saw this set of markers I almost died because WHAT KID WOULDN’T WANT A PACK OF 40 DIFFERENT COLORED MARKERS?!  Shoot, I still get excited about markers and colored pencils, so even I was in love at first sight.  Yes, Crayola put out a pack of 40 markers, and every single color is different!!  We bought two boxes of these, one for each of the kids for Christmas, and they were just as in love as their momma was.  :o)


Paper Mate Flair Pens

I’m the room mom for Jacob’s class again this year so I organized the class gift for his teacher for Christmas.  All of the parents contributed money, and we rounded up a gift bag of a few of her favorite things including these pens. 


Jesus Always

I’ve been doing this daily devotional for two years now, and I love it, so I gave it as a gift this year as well.


Milk Frother

This milk frother was another Christmas gift.  If you’re a coffee drinker, this thing will fancy up your cups of joe at home and make them feel store-bought.


Melissa and Doug Wooden Puzzle

I got this wooden puzzle for my niece for Christmas and it is seriously the cutest.  We loved Melissa and Doug everything when our kiddos were little, and we had several of these puzzles.  They hold up so well through drops and bangs and scrapes and they last forever. 


Melissa and Doug Wooden Puzzle

I also bought this farm animal puzzle for my niece for Christmas as well.  Another adorable choice for any toddler.


Alaway Eye Drops

I’m the queen of allergies, and in addition to taking a daily allergy medication, Flonase, and inhaler, I also use Alaway eye drops that help with my dry, itchy eyes as well.  I’ve been using these for 13ish years now, and if I don’t use them my eyes are a mess.  Before I started using them, I had so much discomfort (especially since I wear contacts) and when I told my eye doctor about it, he flipped up my eyelids to look at them, and he told me that they were so dried out they looked like cobblestone walkways.  He recommended these eye drops to me and I’ve used them every day of my life since then.  If you have dry, itchy eyes I highly recommend them!  And as with pretty much everything else, they’re, by far, the cheapest on Amazon than anywhere else.



Speaking of allergies, it was time for a refill of my daily allergy medication.  I’ve tried Claritin and Allegra, but Xyzal works the best for me.



All of my daily allergy meds ran out around the same time, because it was also time for a refill of Flonase.  If you have allergies that give you a stuffy nose, I highly recommend these, too.  They have been a lifesaver.  I literally haven’t had a stuffy nose for three whole years… not even when I’ve been super sick and congested.


Amazon Gift Card

And finally, another Amazon gift card to give as a Christmas gift.  Amazon will let you choose from so many adorable little tins (for free!!) when you buy a gift card from their website, and I loved this little snowflake tin so much. 


That’s everything, y’all!  Happy Tuesday!!

And if you want to see everything that I ordered in previous months, just check out the posts below!

*Linking up with The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases


  1. We love our fairy lights!! My brother has about 5 sets in his room alone😂🤷‍♀️ The Papermate Flair pens are some of my favorites!!

    1. Oh that's awesome! I have them all over my office, but I'd like to put them in the kitchen and in the kids' rooms, too!

  2. We bought fairy lights for camping last year but I've been thinking about bringing them into the house. I miss my Christmas tree and lights!

  3. Flonase is such a game changer for me...when I remember to use it daily! And yes to those papermate flare pens..they are my fave!

  4. Lots of great items! Those Flair pens are the best! And Flonase is used on the daily around here! :)

    1. Isn't Flonase the best? I truly don't know how I functioned without it for so long.

  5. Love the flare pens. We had that chunky farm puzzle, memories!

  6. Most of my haul is Christmas gifts too. I got those markers too!

  7. Everytime you list an amazon gift card, I say a little thank you for suggesting that. I have used those cute tins/boxes as gifts many, many times! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  8. I love these Amazon posts so much! I always find something (or a lot of somethings) I need. Haha. Casey Weigand is the sweetest human being ever. She’s one of the first blogs I ever followed. I love her mothering style!! So stinkin’ sweet. You had some good finds!

  9. We had those same Melissa and Dough puzzles when my boys were little. They make the best young kids toys!

    1. Yes they do! We love them and still have a few of their toys!

  10. I should invest in some of those fairy lights! one of these days I plan on putting some in my office (once my office is a little more put together, and all of Matt's stuff is out of it). Flair pens are always a teacher favorite!

    1. You definitely should! They're so inexpensive considering you get multiple strands in each box!

  11. I tell you - every morning I use that frother I just feel soooo dang fancy. :)


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