Friday, December 15, 2023

Five on Friday - Fleece Lined Tights, the Best Hand Cream Ever, a Gift Idea for Swifties, and BRUH Christmas Shirts

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy Friday, y’all!  It seems like forever since I’ve shared some favorites on Friday, so I have several good ones coming at you today!

O N E – Fleece Lined Tights

Fleece lined tights coming in clutch when you and your cousin decide that fashion > function on your trip to NYC!  Haha.  We decided we wanted to be cute one day in a mini skirt and leather shorts, so I immediately grabbed a pair of these fleece lined tights to wear under my skirt.  These tights are lined with an inner layer of skin-colored fleece, so when you wear them, they give the illusion of regular tights, but really, they’re thick and warm like leggings.  I wore these all over New York City the second day that we were there, and they were warmer than any other leggings that I wore on the whole trip!  I cannot recommend these enough, y’all!  They are amazing.  And comfortable.  Soooo comfortable.


T W O – Working Hands Lotion

I have incredibly dry skin, especially on my hands since I wash them so much (germaphobes, y’all feel me?), and in the winter, they are particularly bad with the cold air and the wind.  During the winter, they get so dry that they sometimes crack and bleed, and on a regular day, my hands look to be about 10 years older than my actual age. 

I have tried so. many. different. hand creams over the years, and while I’ve found some good ones (Gold Bond Healing Hand Cream, Avon Moisture Therapy Intensive Healing and Repair, and Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve), nothing has ever worked as well as this O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Cream. 

This stuff is amazing.  Not only has it relieved my dry, chapped hands, it has made them appear to have aged backwards by several years.  The difference between this hand cream and all of the others is that this one states that “when used daily, it is clinically proven to create a protective layer on the skin’s surface that locks in moisture and keeps your skin hydrated” and this is so true, y’all.  Most hand creams only moisturize while it’s on your skin, but after one hand washing, your hands are dry again.  I have only been applying this once each night before bed, but somehow, even after showering and multiple handwashes throughout the day, my hands still feel and look moisturized. 

And another great thing about it is that it’s not greasy at all!  I could not be more satisfied with this purchase.  I love this stuff and I am officially declaring it the holy grail of hand creams. 


T H R E E – Heart Hands

As most of you know, Olivia is a diehard Taylor Swift fan, and she and I went to the Eras Tour movie together a couple of months ago.  While there, she acquired quite a collection of friendship bracelets in addition to the ones she had already made, so I bought her these gold heart hands to display them in her room.  I can’t wait for her to open this gift on Christmas day!  If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the Swiftie, this is a great one!



I am living with tweens for sure, y’all, because all I hear all day erry day is BRUH.  I came across this t-shirt on Amazon and I knew Jacob would love it, so I got this for him to wear during the Christmas season.  Their school usually allows them to wear tacky Christmas sweaters/t-shirts one day before Christmas break, so I thought this one would be perfect. 

And if you’re looking for a non-Christmas version, there’s this one, too.


F I V E – Bar Cart

I purchased this bar cart for the second year in a row for our school fundraiser, and it’s really great, especially for the price!  It’s really spacious, it’s on wheels so it can be moved easily from one point to another, and it has built-in wine bottle storage + wine glass storage.  If you’re looking for a cute little cart that won’t break the bank, I highly recommend this one!  It's back on sale for just $65.99, too!


Friday Funnies


On the Blog This Week

 New York City Christmas Trip  Day 1

Our Week – The One with a Neurologist Appointment and a Day Date

Christmas Home Tour 2023

New York City Christmas Trip – Day 2

Today is the Reindeer Run at the kids’ school, so it should be a fun, festive, exhausting day!  While I’ve enjoyed planning this event, I’ll be really happy to have it behind me and off of my plate!  Then, tomorrow is Christmas brunch with my girlfriends, and then we’ll be counting down the days until the kids are out of school for Christmas break!

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. This was such a fun Friday favorites! Have so much fun at the reindeer run. I love the picture of you gals in the carriage in New York with a purple blanket! And always great funnies! I got that handcream for the kids, their hands have been so extra dry!

  2. Gabbie has the heart hands in her dorm room! She might need the hand cream as well! I got her some fleece lined leggings from Old Navy. She'd probably like the ones you have as well!

  3. I am saving the link for the fleece tights in case Grace ends up in Pittsburgh for grad school! And the hand cream is in my cart! Hope you have a festive and fun weekend!


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