
Monday, December 6, 2021

What I Ordered from Amazon in November 2021

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

It’s another Amazon Monday and today I’m sharing everything I bought in the month of November.  Here we go!


As you all know, I’ve been on the hunt for some new jeans, and I just had to try these since they’ve been so highly recommended on several blogs.  I buy many things from Amazon, but I’ve never bought jeans, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but these turned out to be great!  The quality is good, they fit me perfectly, they’re super cute, and they look exactly like the picture!  The jury is still out on whether or not I will keep them, though… I’m torn between these and another pair that I got from Gap!


Pink Colorblock Dress

This dress has been on my Amazon wish list for months and months, so when it went on SUPER sale for Cyber Monday, I couldn’t add it to my cart fast enough.  I opted for the slow shipping so I could get an additional $2 credit towards digital items, so I haven’t received it yet, but I’ll report back when I get it.


Leopard Pumpkin Tee

This tee has also been on my wish list for a while, and right after Halloween, the price dropped drastically, bringing it to just $7.99 so I went ahead and grabbed one for next year.  If there’s any fall or Halloween apparel that you’re wanting, now is the time to buy, as the prices usually drop right after Halloween.  They’ll go back up several months before the holidays next year, though.


No-Show Socks

I have a pair of white sneakers that are meant to be worn without socks, but I hate wearing sneakers without them, so I always wear no-show socks.  I already have a pair of no-show socks that are pretty good, but they were still peeking out around the sides and backs of my ankles with these particular shoes.  I came across these no-show socks on Amazon, and y’all, they are the EPITOME of no-show socks.  They are so minimal around the entire foot and they look so weird, but they’re so comfortable (they don’t slip on my heel at all) and they do not show under my shoes!  If you’re looking for some true no-show socks, I highly recommend these!


Gold Layering Necklaces

This layering necklace was another item that was on my wish list for a long time, and they dropped to just $4.99 on Cyber Monday so I snagged them, too.  I wear a necklace every single day, but I only have a select few that I rotate, so I thought these would be fun to add to the rotation.  I put these on the slow shipping option, too, because – hello, $2 digital credit! – so I can’t speak to the quality just yet, but they are highly rated!


Clear Bag

Brian and I attend lots of college football games and concerts (well, pre-Covid, anyway), and most large venues now require clear bags.  I have a very large clear bag that UGA sent to me with our season tickets a few years ago, but I don't use it for some events because it's just too big.  I had purchased a very small clear bag for the times I didn’t want to carry the large one, but that small bag recently broke and I needed a new one.  

This bag is absolute perfection – the plastic is soft and supple rather than that stiff hard plastic that is hard to manage, the zipper is smooth, it comes with an adjustable strap so you can wear it on one shoulder or wear it as a cross-body, and it even has an inside pocket for your smaller items that you don’t want to get lost in the bottom.  It’s also the perfect size – it's not too bulky, but it holds a LOT.  I carried this to the SEC Championship game on Saturday, and it was just perfect.  I highly, highly recommend it!


2022 Calendar

I keep a wall calendar on the bulletin board above my desk so I can see dates at a glance, and since 2022 is on the horizon, I needed one for the new year.  I love the colors and designs on this calendar, and it’s just the perfect size at 8.5x11.


Loreal Infallible Pro-Glow Foundation

I’ve been wearing the same foundation (Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid) for years and years, but I’m pretty sure they’ve discontinued it because I haven’t been able to find it anywhere for the last two months.  Waaaahhhh.  I’ve checked so many local stores and scoured the entire internet these last two months, and it’s no longer available in my shade anywhere, so I was forced to make the switch to this new foundation.  I have to say, so far I'm liking this one, too!  The coverage is about the same as the Maybelline, but this foundation is slightly less wet feeling than the Maybelline, which I like.  Sometimes the Maybelline leaves my face feeling a little sticky (even after applying powder), so I’m hoping that this will be a good replacement. 


5,000 Awesome Facts 3

Jacob looooves these 5,000 Awesome Facts books, and #3 was on his Christmas wish list.  When it went on sale on Cyber Monday, I grabbed one as quickly as I could!


Invisible Ink Pens

Jacob also asked for "a pen with invisible ink that you have to look at with a light," so naturally, I turned to Amazon and found exactly what he requested.  These will go in both kids’ stockings.  The jury is still out on the quality, but they do have good reviews so I’m optimistic they'll work well and the kids will love them!


Building Base Plates

These base plates aren’t made by Lego, but all of the reviews say that they’re compatible with Lego brand products, and they’re way cheaper, so we bought a set of them for Jacob.  These were another Cyber Monday find and they were a lightning deal, so we got them for an awesome price.


Lego Nutcrackers

These Lego Nutcrackers were purchased for the kids’ North Pole breakfast.  Our elf, Cheek, always brings them an ornament and one other small Christmas item (PJ’s, a book, a Lego set, etc.), and this year, he brought these!  They are so cute, they’re inexpensive, and they have an actual lever so you can move their mouths like a real nutcracker!  So fun!  They would make a great stocking stuffer.


Minecraft Lego Set

We bought this Minecraft Lego set for my nephew for Christmas.  He’s five and he’s now into Lego and Minecraft, so I thought this was just the perfect combo.


Aqua Doodle Mat

This aqua doodle mat was purchased as a Christmas gift for my niece who’s three.  I already had it saved in my wish list to purchase for her, and I was so glad I waited to buy it, because it went on sale for Cyber Monday, too!  Woo hoooo!  It currently has a $3 off coupon that you can clip bringing it down to just $18.99!


Trident White Gum

I’ve mentioned plenty of times that I always buy my gum in bulk from Amazon because it’s, by far, the lease expensive that way.  It was time for a refill, so I reordered this same pack that I always get!


There was one more purchase that I made this month that I can’t share here since it’s part of B’s Christmas gift, but it’s so neat it needs to be shared.  I’ll try to remember to share it in January with my December purchases!

Happy Monday, y’all!

And if you want to see everything that I ordered in previous months, just check out the posts below!

*Linking up with My Glittery Heart and The Sirois Family for Hello Monday and The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases.


  1. You got so many deals this month! I need a new calendar myself.

  2. I love the jewelry that Amazon has - there are so many great pieces for a great price! I love that necklace! xo,Biana BlovedBoston

  3. I've been opting for a lot of the no rush shipping and digital credits too!

    1. Yes! That's definitely the way to go! I just bought an entire album for free yesterday because I had so many credits!

  4. What a great month for Amazon indeed! I’m almost done but I still can’t stop! Love those jeans!

  5. I've never bought jeans from Amazon either but those are super cute! I usually get mine from Gap or H&M. I've been opting for the no rush shipping too if I have time to wait.

  6. Those lego nut crackers are so cute. Can you show the jeans on you? I want to try some that are similar but not sure how they will fit.

  7. That necklace was a great deal, and I'm definitely using that tip on buying the holiday tee's on sale. Thanks so much for linking up!


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